What is OFII attestation?

You´ll receive a confirming letter “Attestation de dépot de dossier” from OFII. This letter proves your temporary legal stay in France until your visa is approved by OFII. Medical check-up. You´ll receive a convocation letter or email indicating the date of medical check-up.

What is the purpose of OFII?

The OFII is tasked with the implementation of assistance with return of foreigners in illegal situation who wish to return to their country. Its task is also to support those who have no resources and wish to benefit from humanitarian assistance with return.

How do I apply for OFII?

You are received by a prefecture agent: after taking your fingerprints, they will register your application and then hand you your asylum application certificate and your OFPRA file. You will then meet an OFII agent. Depending on your eligibility, they will ask you to sign an offer of support and services.

How do I apply for a family reunion in France?

Procedure steps

  1. Step 1 : Gather the necessary documents. The documents to be attached depend on your family situation.
  2. Step 2 : Fill in the family reunification application form. Once all the documents are gathered, click here to download the CERFA n°11436*05 form.
  3. Step 3 : Send your file.

How do you get deported from France?

Undocumented migrants who are found to be guilty of a crime can be sentenced by a court. They can therefore serve a prison term in France. After serving their prison sentence, undocumented migrants are typically deported from French territory. They are taken to a CRA and then sent back to their country of origin.

How do I appeal a French visa refusal?

You can appeal the refusal. The appeal must be submitted within 15 days of the receipt of visa refusal to the Consulate that decided to refuse the visa. The appeal must be an original with the original signature of the appellant, i.e. in person or by mail (not email).

How long asylum process take in France?

C. Deadlines

Time limit to contact the other country Time limit to for the other country to answer France
2. Requests to take charge) 3 months 2 months
2. Requests to take charge (if you are in the Eurodac category 2 file **) 2 months 1 month if it is urgent
Detention center 1 month 15 days