What is pectus Arcuatum?

Pectus arcuatum (other names pouter pigeon chest, Currarino-Silverman syndrome, chondro-manubrial deformity, type 2 pectus carinatum) is a rear congenital chest wall deformity with main feature being protrusion and early ossification of Sternal (Lewis) angle together with bilateral deformity of 2nd to 4th cartilages (1 …

What are common thoracic deformities?

Thoracic abnormalities include pectus excavatum (sunken chest), pectus carinatum (protruding chest) and congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM).

Are chest deformities common?

Children with this type of deformity appear to have sunken chests. Pectus excavatum is the most common type of chest wall deformity, affecting 1 out of every 300 to 400 children and three times as many boys as girls.

What does it mean to be pigeon chested?

Pectus carinatum (pigeon chest) is when part of your child’s breastbone is pressed outwards or raised up. It usually first develops during a rapid growth spurt, in children and adolescents aged 10 and older. Pigeon chest develops differently in different people.

How do you fix pectus Arcuatum?

Pectus arcuatum can be successfully corrected by a Ravitch-type chondrosternoplasty.

How common is pectus Arcuatum?

Pectus carinatum, also known as pigeon chest, is a deformity of the chest wall in which the breastbone and ribs are pushed outward. The condition occurs in about 1 out of 1,500 children and more frequently in boys. It’s often asymmetrical, with one side of the chest affected more than the other.

What causes deformed rib cage?

An uneven rib cage can be the result of trauma, a birth defect, or another condition. If your rib cage is only slightly uneven, you may be able to improve your condition with repeated stretching and exercise. More serious cases of rib cage unevenness may need to be fixed surgically.

How do you fix chest deformity?

Pectus excavatum can be surgically repaired, but surgery is usually reserved for people who have moderate to severe signs and symptoms. People who have mild signs and symptoms may be helped by physical therapy. Certain exercises can improve posture and increase the degree to which the chest can expand.