What is Photoconversion fluorescence?

Short description of the method Photoconvertable fluorescent proteins exhibit a change in fluorescence excitation and emission spectra after excitation at a specific wavelength, and are thus useful as optical highlighters.

How does Photoconversion work?

Photoconversion was performed by reducing the field diaphragm to pinhole size, at 100× magnification with near-UV irradiation (330-380 nm) for 5-10 seconds. Photoconversion was monitored in real time using a DAPI filter cube with long-path emission filter (LP420).

How does Photoactivatable fluorescent protein work?

Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PA-FPs) are fluorescent proteins that display unique changes in their spectral properties upon exposure to a specific wavelength of light.

What is Photoconvertible fluorescent protein?

Photoconvertible fluorescent proteins (pcFPs) constitute a large group of fluorescent proteins related to green fluorescent protein (GFP) that, when exposed to blue light, bear the capability of irreversibly switching their emission color from green to red.

What is Photoswitchable fluorescent protein?

Reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs) are fluorescent proteins whose fluorescence, upon excitation at a certain wavelength, can be switched on or off by light in a reversible manner.

What is Photoactivatable GFP?

Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PAFPs) is a type of fluorescent protein that exhibit fluorescence that can be modified by a light-induced chemical reaction.

What is the advantage of using such fluorescent proteins instead of using PA GFP?

They are monomeric and, thus, can be used as fusion tags. Because they emit red light, they are less phototoxic and easier to image in thick specimens than PA-FPs emitting green light. This makes them highly desirable in applications involving deep tissue or whole organism imaging.

Why do we use fluorescent proteins?

Fluorescent proteins can be used to visualize any type of cancer process, including primary tumour growth, tumour cell motility and invasion, metastatic seeding and colonization, angiogenesis, and the interaction between the tumour and its microenvironment (tumour–host interaction).