What is phylloplane microflora?

ABSTRACT The phylloplane is considered as the hostile environment for microbial growth. Phylloplane microflora plays important role affecting the plantmicrobe interactions in leaf surface and thereby contribute significantly for beneficial plant growth and disease suppression.

What is a phylloplane fungi?

Phylloplane fungi are the mycota growing on surface of the leaves. Some phylloplane fungi are investigated from the leaves surface of five medicinal plants such as Ocimum sanctum, Ficus bengalensis, Datura metel, Butea monosperma and Stevia rebaudiana.

What are phylloplane inhabitants?

The inhabitants of the phyllosphere are termed epiphytes and may consist of a variety of bacteria, yeasts, or filamentous fungi (Lindow and Brandl, 2003).

What do you know about phylloplane?

The phyllo plane can be described as the parts of the plant which can be seen above the soil: the stem, leafs, flowers, fruits and seeds. When in plant resilience the phyllo plane is discussed, the outside of a leaf is meant. A thin layer, called the wax layer, can be found on a plant’s leaf.

What is phylloplane Wikipedia?

The phyllosphere is a term used in microbiology to refer to the total above-ground surface of a plant when viewed as a habitat for microorganisms. The phyllosphere can be further subdivided into the caulosphere (stems), phylloplane (leaves), anthosphere (flowers), and carposphere (fruits).

What is the Rhizoplane?

Definition of rhizoplane : the external surface of roots together with closely adhering soil particles and debris.

What is the difference between rhizosphere and Rhizoplane?

Rhizoplane is the zone around the plant roots and root hairs. It is in close contact with the soil particles of the rhizosphere. Or, we can say that rhizoplane lies between the endo and ecto-rhizospheres. The microbes adhere to the rhizoplane via appendages like flagella, fimbriae etc.

What are rhizosphere microorganisms?

The rhizosphere is a group of organisms associated to plants that are also essential to their metabolism. They are found in synergism with plant roots and are known as rhizosphere microorganisms.

What is rhizosphere and Rhizoplane?

rhizoplane – the root surface including associated soil particles (Estermann and McLaren 1961; Clark 1949) rhizosphere – the zone of chemical, biological, and physical influence generated by root growth and activity.

What is rhizosphere microflora?

The rhizosphere microflora include bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, algae and microarthrops (Raaijmakers et al., 2001). Of the soil microbes, 98% cannot be cultured. Their identification, characterization and the description of their role are therefore particularly difficult.

What is rhizosphere and identify the role of microbes in the rhizosphere?

Rhizosphere organisms that have been well studied for their beneficial effects on plant growth and health are the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), biocontrol microorganisms, mycoparasitic fungi, and protozoa.