What is PNR number in flight?

Passenger Name Record
PNR is the abbreviation of Passenger Name Record and it is a digital certificate allowing passengers to do online check-in or manage their bookings in a short time. Also used as booking number, Passenger Name Record is a code with 6 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers are used together).

How can I download my flight ticket by PNR number?

View/download/print boarding pass Enter your PNR, email ID/last name below to proceed. Once downloaded, we recommend you to carry a printed or soft copy of the same before reaching the airport. It is mandatory for all passengers to check-in online 48 hours to 60 min before flight departure.

Is PNR number E ticket number?

A PNR is the internal record of the booking, while a ticket (or more commonly, e-ticket) is the document that confirms a traveler’s seat on the flight.

How can I check my flight PNR number Air India?

If you prefer, you can call Air India’s toll-free customer service line at 1-800-180-1407 later, and request the PNR number. You need to provide the representative with your name, departure day and destination.

How can I get PNR booking reference?

If you received an eticket via email, your booking reference is the six character alphanumeric code that appears after the ‘BOOKING REFERENCE’ field. On your flight coupon / ticket, your PNR is the first six alphanumeric characters printed toward the right as shown in the illustration below.

Where is PNR number on Air India ticket?

The Air India Express PNR number is found in the ticket itself. If more than one ticket is booked by you at the same time, they will all have the same PNR number.

What is ticket number in Air India?

What is PNR number in Air India ticket? PNR number in Air India flight ticket is Passenger Name Record. If you want to access to details of your Air India flight, you need to enter this number. Air India issues this number at the time of booking.

Is booking reference and PNR same in Air India?

What is a booking reference or PNR? A booking reference, also referred to as a PNR or Record Locator, is the airline’s internal identifier for your flight booking within their computer system.