What is Preiser disease?

Preiser disease. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Preiser disease, or (idiopathic) avascular necrosis of the scaphoid, is a rare condition where ischemia and necrosis of the scaphoid bone occurs without previous fracture.

What is Preiser disease of the scaphoid?

Preiser disease, or ( idiopathic) avascular necrosis of the scaphoid, is a rare condition where ischemia and necrosis of the scaphoid bone occurs without previous fracture.

How are Herbert Lanzetta Stage II and Preiser disease classified?

In 11 patients, the avascular necrosis involved the entire scaphoid bone and, in seven patients, only the proximal pole was involved. Based on the available radiographs at diagnosis, we classified 13 scaphoids as Herbert Lanzetta stage II, four as stage III, and one as stage IV Preiser disease.

What are the treatment options for Preiser’s disease?

Preiser’s disease is initially treated by immobilising the wrist with a cast. However, in most cases the avascular scaphoid will start to collapse leading to degeneration within the wrist joints. This often requires surgical intervention to prevent the progression of arthris.

What future studies should be done on Preiser disease?

Future studies on Preiser disease should ideally investigate the etiology in order to prevent Preiser disease. This is difficult to study because it is uncommon. We do not understand the etiology of Preiser disease and it is not clear what the best treatment is.

What is the role of arthroscopy in the treatment of Preiser’s disease?

Arthroscopy in Preiser’s disease allows direct visualization and assessment of the exact pathology of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joint and the scaphoid cartilage. Arthroscopic debridement of the necrotic scaphoid increased wrist functional range of motion, provided excellent pain relief, and improved health-related quality of life.