What is protected on the Galapagos Islands?

The Galápagos Marine Reserve is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world, which makes monitoring and patrolling expensive and challenging. Its rich diversity of marine life also makes it attractive to illegal fishing interests.

Can you take shells from the Galapagos?

While it might seem harmless to take a lava rock or shell home as a souvenir, the impact on the environment could be profound. Take nothing from the islands, except photos (and make sure the flash is off so you don’t disturb the animals).

Can you take rocks from Galapagos?

Don’t take away any item from nature 🐚 So any shells, rocks, water or sand should be left where they belong. You may think it’s a small amount but if every tourist does this, in a few years the Galápagos ecosystem would be devastated.

Do you need permission to go to the Galapagos Islands?

No visas are required for U.S., Canadian, and most European citizens unless you plan to stay more than ninety days. Check with local immigration offices or the Ecuadorian consulate prior to sailing to determine if a visa is necessary.

Who rules the Galapagos Islands?

Galapagos Islands, Spanish Islas Galápagos, officially Archipiélago de Colón (“Columbus Archipelago”), island group of the eastern Pacific Ocean, administratively a province of Ecuador.

Can you bring alcohol to Galapagos?

A: On board the plane, passengers may take up to five liters of alcohol with alcohol contents between 24% and 70% per person, as checked luggage. On board a cruise, the amount depends on the boat, however most allow passengers to bring 1 bottle of an alcoholic drink per cabin.

Can you drink the water in Galapagos?

Tap water on the Galapagos is usually salty and not fit for human consumption. All of the yachts and most of the hotels offer dispensers with clean drinking water which you should also use to brush your teeth with.