What is recombinant factor VIII used for?

Recombinant Factor VIII The product of choice for the prevention and treatment of bleeding associated with Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency).

How is recombinant factor VIII made?

Recombinant factor concentrate is made in a special way. Scientists learned how to turn certain animal cells into “factories” to make human clotting factor proteins. The human gene for the desired factor is placed in the animal cells which begin making large amounts of the factor protein.

What are Factor 8 injections?

Antihemophilic factor VIII and von Willebrand factor injection is a combination product that is used to treat serious bleeding episodes in patients with a bleeding problem called von Willebrand disease (VWD). The bleeding episode may be related to an injury (trauma) or a surgical procedure.

Is Factor VIII a drug?

Factor VIII is a medication used to treat and prevent bleeding in people with hemophilia A and other causes of low factor VIII. Certain preparations may also be used in those with von Willebrand’s disease. It is given by slow injection into a vein.

Why are blood concentrates safe now?

Since these processes were introduced, there have been no incidences in the US of HIV or HCV transmission through factor products. Patients who have only received clotting factor concentrate since these dates are at very low risk of contracting viruses from blood-derived infusion products.

What do recombinant factor concentrates do?

Recombinant Factor Concentrates Commercially prepared factor concentrates are treated to remove or inactivate bloodborne viruses. Additionally, recombinant factors VIII (8) and IX (9) do not contain any plasma or albumin, and therefore, cannot spread any bloodborne viruses.

How is factor VIII genetically engineered?

At Genentech, Richard Lawn, Gordon Vehar, and their coworkers succeeded in isolating the normal gene for factor VIII in healthy people and inserting it into hamster cells, where it joined with the genetic material of the hamsters. The hamster cells then used the new genetic instructions to make pure human factor VIII.

Where is factor 8 manufactured?

the liver
Coagulation factor VIII is made chiefly by cells in the liver. This protein circulates in the bloodstream in an inactive form, bound to another molecule called von Willebrand factor, until an injury that damages blood vessels occurs.

What is the cost of factor VIII?

In that year, the price of factor VIII averaged 2.53 U.S. dollars in the United States. Factor VIII is a drug used, for example, to treat patients with hemophilia A….Average prices of factor VIII in selected countries in 2017 (in U.S. dollars)*

Characteristic Average price in U.S. dollars
United States 2.53

How often is factor 8 given?

With a half-life of 10 hours, intravenous infusion of factor VIII is required approximately every other day to maintain factor VIII concentrations high enough to provide adequate support for coagulation to prevent spontaneous bleeding.

Can you overdose factor 8?

No symptoms of overdose with human coagulation factor VIII or von Willebrand factor have been reported. Thromboembolic events may occur in case of major overdose in patients with VWD.

How often is factor VIII administered?
