What is superdex?

Superdex prep grade is a preparative size exclusion chromatography resin with a composite matrix of dextran and agarose.

What Superdex 200?

Superdex Increase 200 is a column for high resolution gel filtration in small scale (mg) preparative purification and also for characterization and analysis of proteins with molecular weights between 10,000 and 600,000, such as aggregate analysis of antibodies, size-homegeneity analysis of membrane proteins, or protein …

What superdex 75?

Superdex® 75 10/300 GL is a prepacked gel filtration column for high-resolution, semipreparative, and analytical separations of biomolecules. Superdex® 75 has a separation range for molecules with molecular weights between 3 000 and 70 000.

How do you clean a Superdex 200 column?

Cleaning is performed at low flow rates using 1 CV of sodium hydroxide (500 mM sodium hydroxide for Superdex and Superose columns and 200 mM sodium hydroxide for Sephacryl columns). Note that the column should never be stored in sodium hydroxide.

What is FPLC system?

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) is a form of medium-pressure chromatography that uses a pump to control the speed at which the mobile phase passes through the stationary phase. FPLC was introduced in 1982 by Pharmacia as fast performance liquid chromatography.

What is the difference between sepharose and agarose?

Pure agarose is powdered form while sepharose is more beaded in structure. 2. Agarose is a more generic term referring to a type of polysaccharide polymer while sepharose is a trademarked term by GE Healthcare.

What is Sepharose resin?

SP Sepharose Fast Flow is a sulphopropyl (SP) strong cation exchange chromatography resin for fast protein purification. Well established strong cation exchanger. Based on Sepharose Fast Flow ion exchange resin. High chemical stability enables proven CIP and sanitization protocols.

How do you clean a Superdex column?

If the column is to be stored for more than 2 d after use, wash it with 2 CV of water and then equilibrate with at least 2 CV of 20% ethanol (for HiLoad Superdex 30 pg and Superdex 75 pg, use 200 mM sodium acetate in 20% ethanol). Note: Use a lower flow rate for viscous 20% ethanol.

What is desalting in gel chromatography?

The method is commonly referred to as desalting when the goal is to remove buffer salts from a sample in exchange for water (with water used to pre-equilibrate the gel-filtration resin). Buffer exchange is the term used when one set of buffer salt in a sample is exchanged for another set.
