What is Susanna Walcott motivation?
What is Susanna Walcott motivation?
Motivation: FEAR-she wants to reveal the truth but breaks under pressure from Abigail and the other girls. Mercy Lewis. Servant to the Putnams and friend to Abigail. She participates in the witch trials by pretending to see spirits and falsely accusing individuals of witchcraft.
What is Tituba’s motivation in The Crucible?
Motivation: Greed for more land, power. Tituba is Reverend Parris’s Caribbean slave. She is in her forties. She longs to return home, to Barbados.
What motivates Abigail in The Crucible?
Throughout the play, Abigail is motivated by jealousy, power, and attention. The motivation of jealousy is portrayed by Abigail in The Crucible numerous times. In the play, Abigail’s motivation of jealousy is shown when Betty says “You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife!
What is Susanna Walcott role in The Crucible?
Susanna Walcott Susanna works for Doctor Griggs and is described by Miller as “a little younger than Abigail, a nervous, hurried girl” (p. 8). Eventually, she joins in with Abigail, Betty, Mercy, and Mary as the “afflicted girls” who accuse others of witchcraft.
What does Betty’s information about dancing in the forest reveal about Abigail’s true motivation?
What does Betty’s information about dancing in the forest reveal about Abigail’s true motivation? Betty claims that Abigail drank a charm in order to kill Elizabeth Proctor so that she could be with the one who she claims is her love.
What were Reverend Parris’s motivations for accusing others in his community of witchcraft?
Reverend Parris was a religious leader in Salem during the witch trials. The Reverend’s motivation for supporting the trials were his hunger for power and position in the community, his determination to protect his image and reputation, and to protect his own self from persecution. Overall, Parris was a man of greed.
What is Tituba’s motivation for confessing in Act One?
Tituba confesses because she realizes that it’s a lot easier to put the blame on other people, and the only way she can avoid being hanged is to confess to witchcraft.
What is Parris motivation?
The Reverend’s motivation for supporting the trials were his hunger for power and position in the community, his determination to protect his image and reputation, and to protect his own self from persecution. Overall, Parris was a man of greed. This greed is his motivation for most of his actions.
What motivates the characters in The Crucible?
The motivations in the crucible are different for each character and suit their needs at the time (for example, Parris is motivated by reputation). Arthur Miller makes some characters (like John Proctor) very obvious in their motivation while people like (Thomas Putnam) need some more information to be figured out.
What was Abigail’s motivation to start the witch hunts?
The motivation of Abigail Williams is wanting Elizabeth Proctor dead so her and John Proctor can be together.
Who is the most important character in The Crucible?
Abigail Williams is perhaps the most prominent main character in The Crucible. She leads a group of girls into the woods to dance with Tituba, her uncle’s slave.
When Susanna exits Abigail makes a confession to Paris which she recants near the end of the act What is the confession and why does she change her mind?
8. When Susanna exits, Abigail makes a confession to Parris, which she recants near the end of the Act. What is the confession, and why does she change her mind? She confesses that there is no witchcraft.