What is T-tube drainage?

T Tube is a draining tube placed in the common bile duct after common bile duct (CBD) exploration with supra-duodenal choledochotomy. It provides external drainage of bile into a controlled route while the healing process of choledochotomy is maturing and the original pathology is resolving.

Where does T-tube drain?

This is a tube put into the bile duct after surgery. It’s shaped like the letter T. It helps to drain bile while the duct is healing.

When should a T-tube drain be removed?

T-tube removal Latex T-tubes may be removed at 7 to 10 days after placement if all clinical factors are favorable [1], [16]. Other authors prefer to leave a latex T-tube in place for 21 days [10]. It is not generally recommended to leave a T-tube in place for longer periods.

How long does a T-tube stay in?

Usually, an ear tube stays in the eardrum for four to 18 months and then falls out on its own. Sometimes, a tube doesn’t fall out and needs to be surgically removed. In some cases, the ear tube falls out too soon, and another needs to be put in the eardrum.

What is a T-tube in respiratory care?

T-tubes allow uninterrupted flow of air into the lungs while providing support to the windpipe. With a T-tube in place patients can breathe and speak normally through their mouth. They are typically well tolerated by patients and can be kept in place for many years.

What color is T-tube drainage?

Expect 300 to 500 ml of thick, blood-tinged, bright yellow to dark green bile drainage the first 24 hours after surgery.

Do you irrigate T-tubes?

Most T-tubes are not connected to a drainage bag when you are discharged and are therefore closed. When tubes are closed, it is recommended you flush them once or twice daily with 10 mL sterile saline, using sterile techniques (cleaning the cap and the end of the tube with alcohol before injecting saline).

Is a T-tube necessary?

Based on the currently available evidence, there is no justification for the routine use of T-tube drainage after open common bile duct exploration in patients with common bile duct stones.

Is ear drainage normal with tubes?

You may worry that there’s a problem with the tubes. But the drainage is actually a sign that the tubes are doing their job. Early ear drainage like this is usually not a cause for concern, says pediatric otolaryngologist Brandon Hopkins, MD.

Is a T-tube a ventilator?

In a T‐tube SBT, the patient is disconnected from the ventilator and allowed to breathe spontaneously through a simple T‐piece with supplemental oxygen. For some patients the work of breathing during the test may be excessive, causing them to fail the SBT.

When do you use T piece?

T-piece is an instrument used in weaning of a patient from ventilator during spontaneous breath trials, and is widely used to identify patients who are ready for extubation.

How much should a T-tube drain?

Monitor and record the drainage amount and color every 2 hours on the day of surgery and then at least once every shift, according to your facility’s policy. Expect 300 to 500 ml of thick, blood-tinged, bright yellow to dark green bile drainage the first 24 hours after surgery.