What is tap root analysis?

An advanced, proven system for root cause analysis of precursor incidents and major events. TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis is used to improve performance by analyzing and fixing problems to prevent major accidents, quality issues, equipment failures, environmental damage, and production issues.

What makes a good root cause analysis?

A good root cause analysis avoids blame and focuses on prevention. By revealing multiple causes using this system approach, you are able to demonstrate that there is never one single cause to a problem—meaning, a problem isn’t one person’s fault either.

What is the problem with root cause analysis?

Other problems include the questionable quality of many RCAs, their susceptibility to political hijack, their tendency to produce poor risk controls, poorly functioning feedback loops, failure to aggregate learning across incidents and confusion about blame and responsibility.

Is TapRooT a company?

Taproot Foundation, a national nonprofit, connects nonprofits and social change organizations with passionate business professionals who share their expertise pro bono.

What is TapRooT problem solving?

The TapRooT® system for root cause analysis is a set of integrated tools put together for the purpose of evaluating, for root causes and corrective actions, any occurrence or audit finding.

How do I create an RCA document?

The Sologic Root Cause Analysis Method – 5 Steps:

  1. Step 1: Gather and Manage Data/Evidence: All RCAs are driven by evidence.
  2. Step 2: Create the Problem Statement:
  3. Step 3: Analyze Cause and Effect.
  4. Step 4: Generate Solutions.
  5. Step 5: Produce the Final Report.

How do I run an effective RCA?

10 Keys for RCA

  1. Think long term.
  2. Focus on the right incidents.
  3. Get started right away.
  4. Get the right people involved in the investigation.
  5. Get the data you need.
  6. Use standard techniques for data analysis.
  7. Require the use of a technique that identifies underlying causes.
  8. Get management buy-in for the recommendations.

Who typically performs root cause analysis?

A decision is made to form a small team to conduct the root cause analysis. Team members are selected from the business process/area of the organization that experiences the problem. The team might be supplemented by: A line manager with decision authority to implement solutions.

When should RCA be performed?

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a method used to identify and document the potential causes of a problem. This should take place when an incident or breakdown in service occurs, particularly incidents or breakdowns that lead to undesired outcomes for clients.