What is the 97th constitutional amendment?

The 97th amendment to the Constitution inserts a critical point into Article 19(1)(c) by recognising people’s right to form cooperative societies as a fundamental right. It envisions their protection from political interference, as well as the infusion of greater managerial skills and autonomy into their operations.

Is 97th amendment Cancelled?

The Supreme Court, on 20th July 2021, in Union of India vs. Rajendra N. Shah, struck down most parts of 97th Constitutional Amendment.

What was the 97th constitutional amendment of 2012 about?

Part IXB, introduced into the Constitution through the 97th Amendment, dictated the terms for running co-operative societies. The provisions in the Amendment, passed by Parliament without getting them ratified by State legislatures as required by the Constitution.

When was the 97th amendment passed?

and commencement THE CONSTITUTION (NINETY SEVENTH AMENDMENT) ACT, 2011 [12th January, 2012.] An Act further to amend the Constitution of India. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1.

Why has the Supreme Court struck down part of the 97th Constitution amendment and will it impact federal principles?

The Supreme Court judgment was based on the reasoning that the concerned subject matter of co-operative fell in the state list and hence it belongs wholly and exclusively to the State legislatures to legislate upon and any change would require the ratification by at least one-half of the state legislatures as per …

Is 97th caa valid?

The Supreme Court on July 20 in a 2:1 majority verdict upheld the validity of the 97th constitutional amendment that deals with issues related to effective management of cooperative societies but struck down a part inserted by it which relates to the Constitution and working of cooperative societies.

Can the Supreme Court strike down a Constitutional Amendment?

The Court has never struck down an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But the procedural irregularities surrounding the ERA could ultimately give the Court reason to do it for the first time.

What is Njac Judgement?

Though the NJAC Bill was passed unanimously by the Parliament in 2014, the SC struck it down using its power of judicial review citing threat to its independence. This power of review is itself a judicial creation and not ordained either in the Constitution or prescribed by any legislative enactment.