What is the address format for IPv4 and IPv6?

IPv4 address uses the dot-decimal notation. That’s why it is not suitable for mobile networks. IPv6 address is represented in hexadecimal, colon- separated notation.

What is IPv4 and IPv6 header?

Definition. A packet with additional information which transmits from source to destination that uses Internet Protocol version 4 is called IPv4 header. A packet with additional information which transmits from source to destination that uses Internet Protocol version 6 is called IPv6 header.

What is the correct format for IPv4 address?

An IPv4 address has the following format: x . x . x . x where x is called an octet and must be a decimal value between 0 and 255.

What is IPv4 header format?

IPV4 header format is 20 to 60 bytes in length. It contains information need for routing and delivery. It consists of 13 fields such as Version, Header length, total distance, identification, flags, checksum, source IP address, destination IP address. It provides essential data need to transmit the data.

How do you write an IPv6 address?

Specify IPv6 addresses by omitting leading zeros. For example, IPv6 address 1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0600:300c:326b can be written as 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b . Double colon. Specify IPv6 addresses by using double colons ( :: ) in place of a series of zeros.

What is the format of IPv6 header?

IPV6 header format is of 40 bytes in length, contains information essential to routing and delivery, consist of 8 fields, Version, Traffic Class, Flow Label, Payload length, next header, HOP limit, Source address and destination address, where each has its own features and provides essential data required to transmit …

What are the header format of IPv6?

What is the format of IPv6?

An IPv6 address is represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, each group representing 16 bits The groups are separated by colons (:). An example of an IPv6 address is: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334. The standards provide flexibility in the representation of IPv6 addresses.

How must IPv6 addresses be represented?

Representation of IPv6 Addresses. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length and written as a string of hexadecimal digits. Every 4 bits can be represented by a single hexadecimal digit, for a total of 32 hexadecimal values (016 [00002] through f16 [11112]).