What is the architecture of Vietnam?

Traditional houses in Vietnam were characterized by wooden structures topped by steep roofs. The roofs would be covered with fish-scale tiles and curve outwards, while beams and rafters held up the main building. In some places, stilt houses were built and the houses usually had an odd number of rooms.

What is the architecture in France called?

Gothic Architecture, Previously Known as French Work Interestingly, the term was first used in the Renaissance, and was before known as Opus Francigenum which means french work. Gothic architecture is historically divided into separate styles, including Early Gothic, High Gothic, Rayonnant and Late or Flamboyant style.

What did France build in Vietnam?

The famous Reunification Express, the railway line between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, was originally built under French rule. Many of the roads and bridges in Vietnam were also first built under French supervision. Probably the most famous example is the Long Biên Bridge in Hanoi—formerly the Paul Doumer Bridge.

What was a common feature of French colonies?

Most French colonial homes include wrap-around porches, steep roofs, high ceilings, French doors, and symmetrical design.

What is Vietnam sculpture?

The Vietnam sculpture works are primarily in wood, bronze, composite, and ceramics. In the old days, the famous sculptors were those who joined the national resistance against various invading forces; therefore, their lives experience inspired their works.

What type of architecture is Paris?

Haussmann (or Haussmannian) architecture refers to the quintessential Parisian style of 19th-century architecture that still defines Paris and whose enduring appeal has made Paris one of the most visited and well loved cities in the world.

What is the connection between France and Vietnam?

Bilateral relations France was one of the first Western countries to support Vietnam’s reform policy and has been supporting its development and outreach for over 20 years. It has made significant cooperation efforts in terms of official development assistance.

When was French architecture first used?

French Creole architecture is an American Colonial style that developed in the early 18th century in the Mississippi Valley, especially in Louisiana.

Where did colonial architecture originated?

Building styles in the 13 colonies were influenced by techniques and styles from England, as well as traditions brought by settlers from other parts of Europe. In New England, 17th-century colonial houses were built primarily from wood, following styles found in the southeastern counties of England.