What is the Barotseland Agreement?

The Barotseland Agreement granted Barotse authorities local self-governance rights and rights to be consulted on specified matters, including over land, natural resources and local government.

Where is Barotseland?

Barotseland, the kingdom of the Lozi people, was a protectorate under British colonial rule and became part of Zambia at the country’s independence in 1964.

Who is the King of Barotseland?

Lubosi Imwiko
Their alternative, Muña’aka, can also be used. 60 people like this. Lubosi Imwiko or Imwiko ii are the names for the King of Barotseland.

Who was the first British administrator in Barotseland?

The protectorate was divided into nine administrative districts. In September 1900 Coryndon was appointed as the first Administrator.

What is Lochner concession?

The Lochner concession gave the company the perpetual right to mine, trade, and build railways in the Lozi Empire (but not within the central kingdom) in return for British protection, the appointment of a British resident, and an annual salary for Lewanika.

How many kings do we have in Zambia?

The Government of Zambia recognizes 4 Paramount chiefs, 43 Senior chiefs and 241 Chiefs. Their royal titles differ with the four most senior ones being called Kings or Paramount chiefs. Traditional entities are recognized by Government with representatives seating in the House of Chiefs under the constitution.

How do you say my love in Lozi?

Wondering how to say ‘I love you’ in Lozi?…Romantic Phrases & Terms of Endearment in Lozi.

English Lozi
I love you forever Nikakulata kuyakuile
I miss you Niku tondile
I want you Naku bata
I need you Naku tokwa

Who first colonized Zambia?

the British South Africa Company
Zambia’s colonization began in 1888 when the British South Africa Company secured mineral rights in the area. It became a British Protectorate in 1899, being governed as part of Barotziland-North-Western Rhodesia. Zambia became an independent country in 1964.

Is there a king in Zambia?

The Litunga of Barotseland (now in Zambia) is the king of the Barotse people. The Litunga resides near the Zambezi River and the town of Mongu, at Lealui on the floodplain in the dry season, and on higher ground at Limulunga on the edge of the floodplain in the wet season.