What is the best pesticide for gypsy moth?

Bacillus thuringiensis (Btk)
Bacillus thuringiensis (Btk) is the most common commercial product used to control large-scale gypsy moth infestations and has been extensively used in previous aerial control programs against gypsy moth in both Canada and the United States.

Should I report gypsy moth?

What You Can Do. Report any findings of egg masses, caterpillars, adult moths, or defoliated trees to Federal or State agriculture officials. Cooperate with any restrictions in your local area that might be imposed because of an AGM detection.

How is the gypsy moth being controlled?

Various chemical insecticides including lead arsenate, DDT, orthene, carbaryl, the insect growth regulator Dimilin®, biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and a natural virus, Gypchek have been used in suppression and eradication efforts. The Asian strain of the gypsy moth is native to Asia.

Can gypsy moths be stopped?

Thuricide® (also often referred to as “BT”) is organic and most effectively applied when gypsy moth caterpillars are still small or at the first sign of infestation. Create a mix 4 teaspoons of Thuricide® per gallon of water, then apply using a pump sprayer.

What kills gypsy moth eggs?

Apply Bacillus thuringiensis, var. kurstaki or Monterey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad) to the leaves of trees to kill gypsy moth caterpillars. For best results, sprays must be applied when caterpillars are young, less than one inch long.

How many years does a gypsy moth infestation last?

Gypsy moth populations will go through cycles in which the populations will increase for several years then decline, and then increase again. Area-wide outbreaks can occur for up to ten years, but generally population densities in localized areas remain high for two to three years.

Will oak trees survive gypsy moths?

Since then, Gypsy Moths have spread across the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. They eat the leaves of many different types of plants, but prefer hardwood trees like maple, spruce, elm, birch and poplar. They love oak the best.