What is the central idea of Act 3 Scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

Brutus makes a speech explaining that although he valued Caesar as a friend, it was appropriate to kill him for his ambition, and that he did so with the good of Rome in mind. He challenges the crowd, saying that anyone who loves his freedom must stand with Brutus. Mark Antony enters with Caesar’s body.

What happens at the end of Act 3 Scene 2 in Julius Caesar?

Finally, Antony descends from the pulpit and prepares to read the letter to the people as they stand in a circle around Caesar’s corpse. Looking at the body, Antony points out the wounds that Brutus and Cassius inflicted, reminding the crowd how Caesar loved Brutus, and yet Brutus stabbed him viciously.

What does Caesar compare himself to in Act 2?

He sees himself as the great man who shows no fear when he braves the storm. He even says that he is more dangerous than danger itself. Despite his hubris, he decides to stay home in order to comfort Calphurnia and not go to the Senate, until Decius comes.

What are the main differences between Brutus and Antony’s speeches?

Brutus’ speech was very short and to the point and spoke to the logic of the people in the crowd. For example, Brutus spoke in a detached way about Caesar’s death while Antony spoke to the emotions of the crowd by crying and talking about all the good things that Caesar did for Rome.

Why do Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd in Act III Scene II of Julius Caesar?

Why do Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd in Act III, scene ii of Julius Caesar? To explain the reasons for Caesar’s death. BRUTUS: Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? as Caesar loved me, I weep for him. As he was fortunate, I rejoice at it.

Which statement best compares the two monologues Brutus If then that friend?

Which statement best compares the two monologues? Brutus uses simple language and logic, whereas Antony uses imagery and emotional language.

What happened to regarding Caesar in Scene 2?

Summary: Act II, scene ii. Caesar wanders through his house in his dressing gown, kept awake by his wife Calpurnia’s nightmares. Three times she has called out in her sleep about Caesar’s murder. He sends a servant to bid the priests to offer a sacrifice and tell him the results.

What happened in Act 3 of Julius Caesar?

Metellus Cimber presents a petition to Caesar: he wishes to have his banished brother forgiven. Caesar denies him, bragging of his constancy. The other conspirators try to insist, but Caesar denies them all. Casca stabs him first, and the other conspirators follow, last of all Brutus.

What are the major differences in Brutus and Antony’s speeches which speech was more effective in your opinion?

Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar was more effective than Brutus’ because Antony used a multifaceted emotional argument, instead of relying on one assertion, as Brutus had. Because of this, Antony was able to sway the crowd to his side, against Brutus and the Conspirators.

What do Brutus and Antony have in common?

They both share common techniques such as repetition. Antony and Brutus both use the word honorable. Brutus says “I honour him: but as he was ambitious, I / slew him. There is tears for his love; joy for his valour; and death for his ambition.” (JC.

Which statement best compares the two monologues Act 3 Scene 2 Brutus?