What is the conjugated form of perder?

Perder Conjugation: Present Tense

yo pierdo
él/ella pierde
ns. perdemos
vs. perdéis

What are the 17 tenses in Spanish?

Simple tenses (tiempos simples)

  • Present (presente)
  • Imperfect (pretérito imperfecto)
  • Preterite (pretérito indefinido)
  • Future (futuro simple or futuro imperfecto)
  • Simple conditional (condicional simple or pospretérito)
  • Present perfect (pretérito perfecto)
  • Past perfect or pluperfect (pretérito pluscuamperfecto)

How do you conjugate perder in the past tense?

Perder is conjugated as a regular er verb in the preterite tense….Perder Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo perdí
él/ella perdió
nosotros/as perdimos
vosotros/as perdisteis

What are the 14 tenses in Spanish?

In total, there are 14 (7 simple and 7 compound): Present, Imperfect, Preterite, Future, Conditional, Present Perfect, Pluperfect, Preterit Perfect, Future Perfect, Conditional Perfect, Present Subjunctive, Imperfect Subjunctive, Present Perfect Subjunctive, and Pluperfect Subjunctive.

What is the stem change of perder?

The verb perder is a typical ‐er verb with an e>ie stem change. The forms of this verb presented in Table serve as an example for all the verbs listed below. Notice that, in the verbs below, the ‐er ending is not part of the stem, so perder and querer only have one e in the stem.

How do you use perder in Spanish in a sentence?

Use 1. English: I’ve lost my train ticket. Español: He perdido mi billete de tren. English: I want to lose 4 kilos by summer. Español: Quiero perder 4 kilos para el verano.

Is French or Spanish easier?

In terms of grammar, French is less flexible than Spanish and learners will find it easier to learn a language with a regular grammar and regular patterns. There are a lot of other differences between the two languages but neither is easier than the other.

What are the six Spanish conjugations?

Here they are:

  • Yo — I(formal)
  • Tú — you (singular familiar)
  • Usted — you (singular formal)
  • Él, ella — he, she.
  • Nosotros/as — we.
  • Vosotros/as — you (plural familiar)
  • Ustedes — you (plural formal)
  • Ellos/as — they. Note that while there are eight different subjects, there are only six different forms for conjugation.

How do you conjugate perder present tense?

The verb perder means ‘to lose’. This verb is regular in the present indicative but has an -e to -ie shift in all tenses but the nosotros and vosotros forms….Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Present Tense Present Progressive Tense
nosotros nosotras perdemos estamos perdiendo
vosotros vosotras perdéis estáis perdiendo

How do you use perder in Spanish?

Perder is commonly used in the context of ‘losing something’ in Spanish. And, just as the English verb ‘to lose’ applies in a number of different situations: losing money, losing a sporting match, and losing weight, you can also use perder in Spanish to describe losing something physically or metaphorically.

Is perder a stem changer?

Perder is a stem-changing verb, which means that its main vowel changes in part of its conjugation. To form its subjunctive, we need to use its irregular stem pierd- in all forms, EXCEPT FOR nosotros/as and vosotros/as, which keep the regular stem (perd-).

What does perder mean?

to losetempo
[perˈder ] Full verb table transitive verb. to lose. tempo) to waste.

What’s the hardest language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese
1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

Which country speaks the best Spanish?

Tied with Mexico for the purest Spanish in Latin America, Colombia is an obvious choice for the best Spanish speaking country for language study.

How do you conjugate all the verbs in Spanish?

To conjugate regular verbs in Spanish, start by identifying the subject, such as “yo” for “I.” Next, you’ll need to remove the verb ending, which with regular verbs, is either “ar,” “ir,” or “er.” Then, add the correct ending to create the appropriate form, such as “yo hablo” for “hablar,” which means to talk.

What are the 3 Spanish verbs?

First things first: there are three classes of Spanish verbs: -ar verbs, -er verbs, and -ir verbs. These are the infinitive verb endings (or dictionary form of the verb).

What is the stem change for perder?

The verb perder is a typical ‐er verb with an e>ie stem change.

How do you use perder in a sentence?

English: I’m not going to waste a moment with you. Español: No voy a perder un momento contigo. English: Today I don’t have any time to waste.

What is a conjugated verb in Spanish?

The concept of verb conjugation in Spanish is the same as in English—only the details are far more complicated. Verb conjugation refers to the process of changing a verb form to provide information about the action being performed.