What is the cruising speed for a Beechcraft King Air?

The cruising speed of the King Air 350 is 580 km / h (313 kts) and its maximum flight range is 2870 kilometers (1550 NM).

How much fuel does a King Air C90 burn per hour?

70 gallons per hour
At 300 mph true air speed, it burns less than 70 gallons per hour.

How far can a King Air C90 fly?

The Beechcraft King Air C90 has a range of 840 miles.

How much does it cost to operate a King Air 90?

Based on 400 flight hours per year the Beechcraft King Air C90’s total annual variable costs are $442,706 and total fixed costs are $191,671 for an annual budget of $634,377. Which gives the Beechcraft King Air C90 an hourly cost of $1,586 per hour.

What is the fuel burn for a King Air 90?

500 to 650 pounds-per-hour
Fuel capacity is a substantial 3,149 pounds. With fuel burns in the 500 to 650 pounds-per-hour range (75 to 100 gph), depending on power setting, the F90 pilot has lots of flexibility to go fast or go far. Useful load is around 3,750 pounds, and full-fuel payload is around 600 pounds.

Which King Air is the fastest?

King Air 350
The Blackhawk-upgraded King Air 350 features Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67A engines, producing 1,050 SHP up to 25,000 feet, while stock King Air 350 engines begin losing horsepower at 15,000 feet.

How fast is a Beechcraft C90?

The King Air C90GTx is powered by two Pratt and Whitney PT6A-135A engines, each producing 550 shp allowing the King Air to carry 4 passengers with a full fuel NBAA IFR range of 975 nm with a max cruise speed of 270 knots.

What is the smallest King Air?

90 series
Overview. Beech has produced six different basic King Air models, with the 90 series the smallest.

Does King Air C90 have bathroom?

All King Airs can be operated single pilot, and all are pressurized. Most are air-conditioned. They all have toilets, separated by doors or curtains in the aft portion of the fuselage.

How much runway does a King Air C90 need?

The King Air C90 comes equipped with two Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A-21 engines. Each engine is rated at 550 shaft horsepower at takeoff. The King Air C90 requires just 2,275 feet of runway to take off at sea level on a standard day.

Can a King Air be flown single pilot?

All King Airs can be operated single pilot, and all are pressurized. Most are air-conditioned. They all have toilets, separated by doors or curtains in the aft portion of the fuselage. Since 1964, Beechcraft has been constantly improving the design of the King Air while adding and discontinuing a variety of models.

Why is the King Air so popular?

UNMATCHED ON RELIABILITY AND RUNWAY PERFORMANCE One of the most popular aircraft in the charter market, the King Air owes its global popularity to its reliability and runway performance (it can land on shorter runways than jet aircraft).

Is a King Air 90 pressurized?

The King Air C90GTx is equipped with the Pro Line Fusion avionics and is capable of carrying a total of 7 passengers with 1 pilot in its pressurized cabin.

How far can a King Air go?


Maximum Cruise Speed 312 ktas (578 km/h)
Maximum Range 1,806 nm (3,345 km)
Takeoff Field Length 3,300 ft (1,006 m)
Landing Distance 2,692 ft (821 m)
Maximum Operating Altitude 35,000 ft (10,668 m)

Can a King Air 350 fly on one engine?

Like jet transport aircraft, the King Air 350i must have a nominated decision speed before which it can reject the takeoff with adequate runway to stop and from which it can continue a single-engined takeoff.

Does King Air c90 have bathroom?

What is the fastest Beechcraft King Air?

The Blackhawk-upgraded King Air 350 features Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67A engines, producing 1,050 SHP up to 25,000 feet, while stock King Air 350 engines begin losing horsepower at 15,000 feet.

How much does it cost to charter a King Air C90?

King Air C90 Private Charter Flights and Prices The average hourly rental rate of the King Air C90 is around 1,500 USD per hour.

Is a King Air pressurized?

It was the first King Air to incorporate a multi-bus electrical system, and has an enhanced pressurization system that provides a sea-level cabin to higher than 11,000 feet.

Does a King Air require 2 pilots?

The King Air is a Single pilot certified a/c, this means that you can fly it single pilot in private ops or when for example just repositioning the a/c….. However, you can fly the plane in an multi pilot operation requireing you to operate with two pilots….