What is the current price of grain sorghum?

US Sorghum Price is at a current level of 189.49, unchanged from 189.49 last month and up from 149.69 one year ago. This is a change of 0.00% from last month and 26.58% from one year ago.

Is sorghum a profitable crop?

At $5.60 per bushel, profit potential for the 2021 crop of $80 to well over $100 per acre exists with less financial risk than other row crops. “The way things look right now, sorghum is a very attractive choice for farmers,” Hultman said, noting other row crops are profitable as well.

What crops can be double cropped?

Common double crop options are soybean, sorghum, and sunflower. Other possibilities include summer annual forages and specialized crops such as proso millet or other short-season summer crops – even corn. Cover crops are also an option for planting after wheat.

How much does it cost to plant an acre of sorghum?

“Seed costs for sorghum are $12 to $15 per acre compared with seed corn costs that are often over $100 per acre,” says Staggenborg. Still, sorghum needs inputs like nitrogen (N). The ratio of N needed to produce a bushel of grain is akin to corn’s 1.2 pounds of N per bushel, says Staggenborg.

Is there a market for sorghum?

The primary export markets are Mexico, China and Japan, though sorghum is regularly exported to more than 20 countries, For the 2020/21 (October – September) marketing year, U.S. export of sorghum is forecast to be 7.8 million tons with an estimated value of $2.4 billion.

How much is sorghum per ton?

Sorghum: Up $5 ($390 to $400/tonne). Wet conditions continue to push back sowing in southern QLD and western downs, while central QLD remains mostly dry. Old crop wheat decreased over the last week, whilst new crop remained steady.

How many bags of sorghum make an acre?

66 90kg bags
One acre produces 66 90kg bags of sorghum grain, 66kg of sorghum matter and 200kg dry matter. It grows to 1.7m. The variety is suitable for food and fodder.

Is double cropping good or bad?

Introduction. Double-cropping corn following the first cutting of hay can be an effective cropping strategy to maximize feed production on fields that are being rotated from hay to corn. Many crop producers in Pennsylvania routinely use this strategy with a good success rate, but it requires careful management.

Is double cropping sustainable?

Although double cropping has the potential to limit the environmental consequences associated with cropland expansion (such as increased soil erosion and loss of wildlife habitat or carbon sinks) as U.S. farmers increase production to meet growing global demand, it also may introduce negative envi- ronmental …

Where can I sell sorghum?

The harvested sorghum can now be sold at various points of sale such as the Farmers Market or, for example, in Goldcrest Valleysell (by train), on the other hand, you can use the sorghum as feed for the cattle (pigs, chickens, and horses) or process it into flour.