What is the difference between a Class 1 and Class 2 sound level meter?

At the reference frequency of 1kHz, the tolerance limits for Class 1 are +/- 1.1dB and for Class 2 the tolerance is +/- 1.4dB. At the lower and upper extremities of the frequency range, the tolerances are wider. At 20Hz, the tolerances are +/-2.5dB for Class 1 and +/- 3.5dB for Class 2.

What is a Class 1 sound level meter?

A Class 1 Sound Level Meter is a noise measurement instrument that meets the requirements of IEC 61672-1:2002 (or an equivalent such as BS EN 61672-1:2003) to Class 1 performance. Tolerances & Accuracy. This standard specifies two levels of performance, Class 1 and Class 2, with Class 1 being effectively more accurate.

What is an SPL meter used for?

Sound level meters are used to measure and manage noise from a variety of sources, including industrial plants, road and rail traffic, and construction work.

What are the different types of sound level meter?

Types. The IEC 61672-1 specifies “three kinds of sound measuring instruments”. They are the “conventional” sound level meter, the integrating-averaging sound level meter, and the integrating sound level meter.

Is standard for sound level meter?

Originally this standard was called IEC 651, but was renamed IEC 60651. This standard has been superseded by IEC 61672. It was originally called IEC 804 but was renamed IEC 60804. It extends IEC 60651 and describes the performance of Integrating sound level meters.

What IEC 61672?

61672-1  IEC:2002. – 11 – 1.6 Sound level meters may be designed for use with an operator present or for automatic and continuous measurements of sound level without an operator present. Specifications in this standard for the response to sound waves apply without an operator present in the sound field.

What is the standard noise level?

Sound is measured in decibels (dB). A whisper is about 30 dB, normal conversation is about 60 dB, and a motorcycle engine running is about 95 dB. Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damage your hearing. Loud noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears.