What is the difference between a conjunction search and a feature search?

Feature searches require identification of a pop-out target, defined by a single feature (e.g., search for the only square among a display of circles) while conjunction searches require identification of a target defined by a combination of two features (e.g., search for a yellow square among red and yellow circles and …

What is an example of a conjunction search?

In a visual search experiment, this time can be called the search time. Searching for a specific combination of two stimulus features (such as an upside and orange T) is called conjunctive search.

What is a spatial configuration search?

Spatial-configuration searches: 205 pairs (8.2%). These are searches in which the target is defined not by any simple feature properties, but rather by the spatial arrangement of line segments. Spatial relationships do not appear to be processed in parallel across multiple items (Logan, 1995).

Is a feature search parallel?

In contrast to conjunction searches, the consensus is that feature searches are mediated by a parallel mechanism. Parallel models are inherently more flexible than serial models (Townsend & Ashby, 1983) and, consequently, so are the corresponding SAT predictions.

What is a feature search?

Feature search (also known as “disjunctive” or “efficient” search) is a visual search process that focuses on identifying a previously requested target amongst distractors that differ from the target by a unique visual feature such as color, shape, orientation, or size.

What is a simple feature search?

Simple feature searches for target stimuli that differ from distractor stimuli on a single relevant perceptual dimension are characterized by two prominent phenomena (Treisman and Souther, 1985).

Is a conjunction search fast or slow?

In a feature search, features don’t need to be integrated to complete the search, so the search is rapid. Conjunction searches are slower because that integration has to happen in order to distinguish targets from distractors.

What is the difference between parallel and serial search?

In serial search, only one stimulus is attended at a time, whereas in parallel search, several stimuli are attended at the same time. The question of serial versus parallel search has been extensively investigated by behavioural methods in cognitive psychology, but it is still highly controversial.

What is a feature search in psychology?

What is visual search with example?

Visual search is a common visual activity that we engage in on a daily basis. For example, we spend time looking for a friend in the airport crowd, looking for our car in the parking lot, or looking for the tomatoes in the vegetable aisle at the supermarket.

Is pop out search serial?

Thus, the classical result of zero slopes in easy search tasks has been interpreted as an indication of parallel, “pop-out” search, whereas positive slopes 2 in more difficult tasks have been interpreted as an indication of a serial search process that relies on focal attention (Treisman & Gelade, 1980; Treisman, 1988) …