What is the difference between a tetraplegic and a paraplegic?

Paraplegia is a paralysis starting in the thoracic (T1-T12), lumbar (L1-L5) or sacral (S1-S5) area, while tetraplegia is caused by damage in the cervical area (C1-C8). Persons with paraplegia possess good functioning of the arms and hands.

Can you walk with tetraplegia?

The main symptom of tetraplegia is paralysis. This, in turn, may cause severe impairments to mobility, and it can have a major impact on a person’s ability to perform their daily tasks. Most people with tetraplegia are unable to walk and require a wheelchair.

Do paraplegics have shorter life expectancy?

Results: From 2014 persons, 88 persons with tetraplegia (8.2%) and 38 persons with paraplegia (4.1%) died within 12 months of injury, most often with complete C1-4 tetraplegia. Among first-year survivors, overall 40-year survival rates were 47 and 62% for persons with tetraplegia and paraplegia, respectively.

What is a tetraplegic?

Tetraplegia is a form of paralysis that is caused by some injury or illness and results in partial or complete loss of usage of torso and limbs. Generally both the sensory and motor nerves are affected, which means that one loses both sensation as well as control of that body part. The condition is also known as Quadriplegia.

What is the difference between tetraplegia and paraplegia?

Tetraplegia and Quadriplegia vs. Paraplegia When comparing tetraplegia/quadriplegia vs paraplegia, tetraplegia is considered the more severe condition. Where a paraplegic will retain the use of their arms, a tetraplegic will be unable to control their arms or legs.

What are the possible complications of tetraplegic disorders?

Tetraplegic patients may experience the following complications: 1 Pain 2 Stinging 3 Impotence 4 Blood clots 5 Pneumonia 6 Frozen joints 7 Kidney stones 8 Pressure sores 9 Shooting pains 10 Muscle spasms 11 Renal problems 12 Deep vein thrombosis 13 Autonomic dysreflexia 14 Respiratory complications 15 Loss of bowel and bladder control

What are the treatment options for tetraplegia?

Tetraplegia Treatment. The treatment for the condition consists of curing the injury of the spinal cord or any other condition that might have caused the problem. While treating spinal cord injury, a patient is kept immobilized by using special equipments that help to prevent additional injury.