What is the difference between cancellous and compact bone?

The key difference between compact and cancellous bone is their structure. Compact bone is the harder outer shell of the bone while cancellous bone is the inner porous, less dense layers of the bone. Bones are important components in assisting movement and granting a shape to the body.

What is the structure of compact and cancellous bone?

Compact bone is dense and composed of osteons, while spongy bone is less dense and made up of trabeculae. Blood vessels and nerves enter the bone through the nutrient foramina to nourish and innervate bones.

What type of tissue is compact and cancellous?

Spongy Bone Tissue Whereas compact bone tissue forms the outer layer of all bones, spongy bone or cancellous bone forms the inner layer of all bones.

Where is compact and cancellous bone found?

Compact bone makes up 80 percent of the human skeleton; the remainder is cancellous bone, which has a spongelike appearance with numerous large spaces and is found in the marrow space (medullary cavity) of a bone. Both types are found in most bones.

What is the difference between compact bone tissue and spongy bone tissue?

Compact and spongy bone are two types of bones found in the bone tissue. The main difference between compact and spongy bone is that compact bone is the hard outer layers of the bone whereas spongy is the more porous, inner layers of the bone.

What is the differences between compact and spongy bone can be seen?

If you look at compact bone tissue with naked eye, it look very dense: you cannot see any cavities in it. In contrast to compact bone tissue, spongy (cancellous) bone consists of an irregular latticework of thin blades of bone called trabeculae.

What is cancellous bone tissue?

Cancellous bone is the meshwork of spongy tissue (trabeculae) of mature adult bone typically found at the core of vertebral bones in the spine and the ends of the long bones (such as the femur or thigh bone).

What is difference between compact bone and spongy bone?

Spongy and compact bones are two basic structural bone types. They make up the long bones in the body….Spongy vs Compact Bones.

Spongy Bones Compact Bones
It forms the ends or epiphyses of long bones It forms the shaft or diaphysis of long bones

What is compact tissue?

1. the hard, rigid form of connective tissue constituting most of the skeleton of vertebrates, composed chiefly of calcium salts. 2. any distinct piece of the skeleton of the body.

What is found in cancellous bone?

In addition to providing structural stability, cancellous bone contains most of the body’s red bone marrow, which produces blood cells. The bone marrow found in cancellous bones also contains many stem cells that are used to repair damaged or broken bone.

How does the structure of compact bone differ from the structure of spongy bone?

Compact and spongy bone differ in structure because the compact bone is tightly packed and has extracellular matrix with no spaces and the spongy bone has holes in there to take the weight away.