What is the difference between chalice and ciborium?

The difference between a chalice and a ciborium is the chalice is the cup used to hold the Blood of Christ in the liturgy of the Eucharist and the Paten and Ciborium hold the consecrated hosts – the Body of Christ. The ciborium is typically deeper than a paten (which is the shape of a plate) and has a lid.

What is the significance of the chalice and the paten?

This chalice and paten, or plate, were made before the Reformation in England to hold the consecrated wine and bread used during Mass, the central service of Christian worship.

Who is given a chalice and paten?

In the United Methodist Church, during the Order for the Ordination of Elders, each elder receives a stole, along with a chalice and paten, from the bishop after the part of the liturgy in which the bishop lays his hands and prays over the ministerial candidates.

What is paten?

Definition of paten 1 : a plate usually made of precious metal and used to carry the bread at the Eucharist. 2a : plate. b : something (such as a metal disk) resembling a plate.

What are the little containers that hold the wine and water called?

The cruets hold the wine and the water that are used at Mass. The lavabo and pitcher: used for washing the priest’s hands.

What does the paten represent?

A paten is a shallow circular dish of metal on which the bread is placed for the Eucharist, and represents the dish used at the Last Supper. The paten is a vessel of the altar on which the altar-bread is offered in the Holy Sacrifice.

What is a paten made of?

Patens were made of precious metal and usually paired with a Chalice to hold wine (the Blood of Christ). A paten is a small shallow plate or disc used to hold the Eucharist (the holy bread transformed into the Body of Christ during the Catholic Mass).

What is the chalice of God?

The Holy Chalice, also known as the Holy Grail, is in Christian tradition the vessel that Jesus used at the Last Supper to serve wine. The Synoptic Gospels refer to Jesus sharing a cup of wine with the Apostles, saying it was the covenant in his blood.

What is a Purificator in the Catholic Church?

The purificator (purificatorium or more anciently emunctorium) is a white linen cloth which is used to wipe the chalice after each communicant partakes. It is also used to wipe the chalice and paten during the ablutions which follow Communion.

What is the purpose of a paten?

A paten is a small shallow plate or disc used to hold the Eucharist (the holy bread transformed into the Body of Christ during the Catholic Mass). Patens were made of precious metal and usually paired with a Chalice to hold wine (the Blood of Christ).

What is the box that holds the Eucharist?

A tabernacle or sacrament house is a fixed, locked box in which the Eucharist (consecrated communion hosts) is stored as part of the “reserved sacrament” rite. A container for the same purpose, which is set directly into a wall, is called an aumbry.