What is the difference between TAVI and TAVR?

TAVI stands for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. The procedure and its approaches are the same as TAVR. Your doctor may use the terms interchangeably when discussing your treatment options.

What is TAVI protocol?

The transcatheter aortic valve implantation or TAVI planning CT protocol is used to plan for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. CT allows for the assessment of the aortic root and valve annulus in order to select an appropriate valve size and location-specific to the patient.

What is a TAVI valve made of?

The TAVI implant is an artificial heart valve, made of a stent (metal tube) and porcine (pig) or bovine (cow) tissue.

How is TAVI performed?

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) involves inserting a catheter into a blood vessel in your upper leg or chest and passing it towards your aortic valve. The catheter is then used to guide and fix a replacement valve over the top of the old one.

How long do TAVI valves last?

Overall these data are very reassuring and demonstrate that TAVI valves have good durability out to six years. Further longer term data are still required before TAVI can be recommended for younger low risk patients.

Why is a TAVI performed?

A TAVI is a medical procedure that involves fitting a valve into the heart to treat aortic stenosis. If you’re an adult in need of an aortic valve replacement and aren’t well enough to have heart valve surgery, you may be given a TAVI procedure instead.

Is TAVI same as AVR?

The big difference between a surgical AVR (aortic valve replacement) is that a TAVI pushes the patient’s stiff and calcified valve out of the way during implantation, whereas in a surgical operation, the stiff valve is completely removed and a clear space is created to stitch a new valve into place.

What tests are needed before TAVR?

Before the day of surgery, you will have a physical exam and tests. These tests include X-rays, CT scans, lung tests, and blood tests. You will have an echocardiogram to check your aortic valve. You may also have a cardiac catheterization.

What is a CT TAVR test?

A computerized tomography (CT) scan uses X-ray and a computer to create detailed images of your body. The CT scan for your transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) will look closely at your heart, including your aortic valve and aorta.

Why is TAVI done?

Does TAVI need anticoagulation?

Antithrombotic therapy is required after TAVI to prevent thrombotic complications but it increases the risk of bleeding events.