What is the function of HSI?

The horizontal situation indicator (HSI) is a key instrument in IFR flight. It combines the functions of a heading indicator and navigational indicator into a single instrument. For HSI questions, first determine the aircraft heading shown at the top of the indicator.

How does HSI work aviation?

Like other cockpit instruments, HSIs can vary in appearance and operation by brand. Fundamentally, however, all HSIs indicate an aircraft’s horizontal position relative to a selected VOR or ILS. The HSI works by combining a VOR/DME receiver and an electrically-slaved heading indicator.

How many degrees are each dot on an HSI?

Each division (dot) represents 1.25 degrees deviation from the ideal ILS flightpath approach.

Is HSI vacuum or electric?

HSIs can be driven by iron gyros or by electronic (digital) gyros. If iron gyros, those gyros can be spun by electricity or by vacuum. The displays can be electronic (EHSIs) or mechanical. Finally, the HSI compass card can be slaved to a magnetic sensor or non-slaved like your basic heading indicator.

What is HSI mean?

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) – An Introduction.

How many degrees is each dot on an HSI?

How do I find my flight heading?

The heading of an aircraft, which is also referred to as bearing or vector, according to NASA, is the direction the aircraft is pointed in. For pilots, direction is always expressed in relation to due north on a compass and measured clockwise. Hence, north is 360 degrees, east is 90 degrees and south is 180 degrees.

How do you read a compass heading?

The most important part on the compass is the magnetic needle. It swings around the compass as you move, but the red end will always point in the direction of north and the white (or sometimes black) end will always point in the direction of south.

What does a NAV flag mean on HSI?

NAV Flag. This red warning flag indicates inadequate VOR or LOC signal, or loss of power to meter circuits. Under these conditions, course information is unusable, however, all heading information remains valid.