What is the function of the separation disc and hormogonia in cyanobacteria?

Reproduction is by fragmentation in which dead concave cells (separation disks) separate sections of the filament (hormogonia). When present, the mucilage sheath is very thin.

What is the purpose of Oscillatoria?

Oscillatoria sometimes uses bouyancy control mechanisms to regulate its position in the water column. Some species can adjust their levels of chlorophyll-a and use accessory pigments to compensate for low light levels.

What do you mean by cyanobacteria?

Definition of cyanobacterium : any of a major group (Cyanobacteria) of photosynthetic bacteria that are single-celled but often form colonies in the form of filaments, sheets, or spheres and are found in diverse environments (such as salt and fresh water, soils, and on rocks)

What are hormogonia write their importance?

Cyanobacteria differentiate into hormogonia when exposed to an environmental stress or when placed in new media. Hormogonium differentiation is crucial for the development of nitrogen-fixing plant cyanobacteria symbioses, in particular that between cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc and their hosts.

What is separation disc in algae?

Definition of separation disk : a biconcave gelatinous layer found between two adjoining vegetative cells in some blue-green algae and associated with hormogonium formation.

What type of bacteria is Oscillatoria and what is its purpose?

Oscillatoria is a genus of filamentous cyanobacterium which is often found in freshwater environments, such as hot springs, and appears blue-green. Its name refers to the oscillating motion of its filaments as they slide against each other to position the colony facing a light source.

What is the morphology Oscillatoria?

Oscillatoria Morphology It consists of a single row of cells forming trichomes or un-branched filaments with a very thin gelatinous sheath. The cells are broader than longer but cylindrical. All cells of a filament are similar with the exception of apical cell which is convex at the top.

What is the importance of cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria are responsible for the Earth’s transition from a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere to the present relatively oxygen-rich atmosphere as a consequence of oxygenic photosynthesis [3].

What are characteristics of cyanobacteria?

Characteristics of Cyanobacteria:

  • They are bluish because they have more blue pigments called cphycocyanin.
  • They are prokaryotic.
  • They are autophytic.
  • Glycogen is their reserve food.
  • All the members of this type of plant have a lubricating membrane around the cells.
  • They don’t have sexual reproduction.
