What is the function of the superior laryngeal nerve?

The superior laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, innervates the cricothyroid muscle of the larynx. This muscle stretches, tenses, and adducts the vocal cord.

What happens when the superior laryngeal nerve is damaged?

When the external superior laryngeal nerve is damaged, it results in the paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle, which functions to lengthen, stiffen, and thin the true vocal cord.

What is superior to the larynx?

The larynx is located within the anterior aspect of the neck, anterior to the inferior portion of the pharynx and superior to the trachea.

What nerve runs with superior thyroid artery?

The external laryngeal nerve
The external laryngeal nerve runs in close proximity to the origin of the superior thyroid artery in relation to the thyroid gland. The superior thyroid artery is clinically important in head and neck surgeries.

What symptom is noted when the superior laryngeal nerve is damaged?

Damage to the laryngeal nerve can result in loss of voice or obstruction to breathing. Laryngeal nerve damage can be caused by injury, tumors, surgery, or infection. Damage to the nerves of the larynx can cause hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing or breathing, or the loss of voice.

Which nerve may be easily damaged when the superior thyroid artery is ligated?

the superior laryngeal nerve
The external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) is at risk of injury during thyroid operations when dissection of the superior pole and ligation of the superior thyroid vessels (STV) are carried out. The rates of injury to this nerve are highly variable in the literature, but can be as high as 58% (1).

What is the opening at the Superior region of the larynx called?

Larynx — also known as the voice box, the larynx is a cylindrical grouping of cartilages, muscles and soft tissue that contains the vocal cords. The larynx is the upper opening into the windpipe (trachea), the passageway to the lungs. Epiglottis — a flap of soft tissue and cartilage located just above the vocal cords.

What is the function of the superior thyroid artery?

The superior thyroid artery is a major blood vessel in your circulatory system that supplies oxygenated blood to the thyroid gland and larynx (voice box).