What is the land area of Colombia?

440,800 mi²Colombia / Area

What is Columbia mostly known for?

In a nutshell, Colombia is famous for its arepas and specialty coffee, as well as the kindness of its people. It’s known for its diverse landscapes and culturally rich heritage where art, music, and theater mix. It also has its share of famous people like Shakira and Sofia Vergara.

What makes Columbia country unique?

Colombia is the only country in South America that has coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The area covered by modern day Colombia was originally inhabited by the indigenous tribes Muisca, Quimbaya, and Tairona. In 1499 the Spanish arrived and colonized the area, calling it New Granada.

What is Colombia’s environment like?

Climate of Colombia. Because of the country’s close proximity to the Equator, its climate is generally tropical and isothermal (without any real change of seasons). Temperatures vary little throughout the year. The only genuinely variable climatic element is the amount of annual precipitation.

How many mountains are in Colombia?

7,641 named
Famous for its fantastic cuisine, rich cultural heritage, and diversity of landscapes, Colombia is an exciting and stunning country located in the northwestern part of South America. Columbia is home to 7,641 named mountains, the highest and most prominent of which is Pico Cristóbal Colón (5,689m/18,655ft).

What are 5 facts about Colombia?

Interesting Facts About Colombia

  • Colombia Has More Than 4,000 Species of Orchids.
  • Colombia Is the Most Biodiverse Country on the Planet.
  • Colombia Has 60 National Parks.
  • Colombia Has Some of the Most Popular Tourist Cities.
  • Colombia Is Home to the “Liquid Rainbow”
  • Colombia Has the Second Most celebrated Holidays in the World.

What’s the best thing about Colombia?

What makes Colombia the best country for a holiday? Colombia is one of the world’s most diverse countries with two oceans, a range of climates, energetic cities, astonishing wildlife and things to do including kayaking, rafting, rock climbing, paragliding, surfing, diving, dancing and more.

What makes Colombia beautiful?

Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It has an enviable climate and some of the best forests, beaches, rare species of plants and animals, and is home to diverse cultures. One of the striking features is the love for coffee. Coffee growing in Colombia is a part of the national identity.

What is the vegetation like in Colombia?

They range from the mangrove swamps of the coasts, the desert scrub of La Guajira, the savanna grasslands and gallery ecosystems of the Atlantic lowlands and the Llanos, and the rainforest of Amazonia and the Chocó region to the widely diverse and complex montane ecosystems of the Andean slopes.

What is the soil like in Colombia?

The wide variety of soils encountered in the country reflects climatic, topographic, and geologic conditions. Those best suited for modern, mechanized agriculture are the alluvial soils found in the principal river valleys, such as the Magdalena, Cauca, Sinú, Cesar, and Ariguaní.