What is the larva of Mollusca called?

veliger, larva typical of certain mollusks such as marine snails and bivalves and a few freshwater bivalves. The veliger develops from the trochophore (q.v.) larva and has large, ciliated lobes (velum).

What animals have trochophore larvae?

trochophore, also called trochosphere, small, translucent, free-swimming larva characteristic of marine annelids and most groups of mollusks.

What is trochophore How does it develop?

The classic trochophore – a larval form shared with some other lophotrochozoans (e.g., molluscs) – is a top-shaped free-swimmer that moves through the water propelled by characteristic bands of cilia and usually has a sensory apical tuft of cilia (Fig. 2).

What phylum are trochophore larvae?

phylum annelida
Trochophore larva occurs in phylum annelida.

What type of larvae do snails have?

A veliger is the planktonic larva of many kinds of sea snails and freshwater snails, as well as most bivalve molluscs (clams) and tusk shells.

Where is the trochophore larva found?

Trochophore larva is a small, translucent, free-swimming larva characteristic of marine annelids and most groups of mollusks.

How many types of larval forms of Mollusca are known?

Three main larval forms are observed in molluscan forms.

What is the evolutionary importance of trochophore?

Trochophore larva has a prominent status in the evolutionary context. Studies are suggestive of the Trochophore larva as a bridge between radial and bilateral symmetry. The larval form shows similarities with many invertebrate groups.

Where is trochophore larva now?

marine annelids
Trochophore larva is a small, translucent, free-swimming larva characteristic of marine annelids and most groups of mollusks.

What is auricularia larva?

auricularia larva In Asteroidea and Holothuroidea, a larval form in which a sinuous, ciliated band outlines the body. A Dictionary of Zoology.

What is Megalopa larva?

Megalopa larva It has a broad and crab-like unsegmented cephalothorax. The carapace is produced anteriorly into a median spine. The eyes are large, stalked and compound. All the thoracic appendages are well formed of which the last 5 pairs are uniramous.