What is the mass in kg of Pluto?

Bulk parameters

Pluto Ratio (Pluto/Earth)
Mass (1024 kg) 0.01303 0.0022
Volume (1010 km3) 0.702 0.0065
Equatorial radius (km) 1188 0.186
Polar radius (km) 1188 0.187

How much is a pound on Pluto?

The surface gravity on Pluto is about 1/12th the surface gravity on Earth. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 8 pounds on Pluto.

How do you calculate your weight on Pluto?

One easy way to calculate your weight on other planets is to multiply your weight on Earth by the ratio between gravity on another planet and Earth. Your mass is the same no matter what planet you’re on, but your weight changes because gravity is different.

How do you calculate your mass in kilograms?

In physics the standard unit of weight is Newton, and the standard unit of mass is the kilogram. On Earth, a 1 kg object weighs 9.8 N, so to find the weight of an object in N simply multiply the mass by 9.8 N. Or, to find the mass in kg, divide the weight by 9.8 N.

What is the density and mass of Pluto?

1.88 g/cm³Pluto / Density

What is on Pluto?

Pluto’s surface is composed of a mixture of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide ices. The dwarf planet also has polar caps and regions of frozen methane and nitrogen. Pluto has three known moons, Hydra, Nix, and Charon.

How do you calculate weight and mass on other planets?

We calculate weight by multiplying mass by the gravity on the surface of the planet. So, if you know your weight on Earth and the surface gravity on Earth, you can calculate your mass. You can then calculate your weight on any other planet by using the surface gravity of that planet in the same equation.

How do we calculate mass?

Mass is always constant for a body. One way to calculate mass: Mass = volume × density. Weight is the measure of the gravitational force acting on a mass.

What is the density of Pluto in kg m3?

Density: 2000 kg/m3 (how does this compare with other objects in the solar system?) Orbital Period: 248 years!