What is the meaning of axon reflex?

Definition. Generally, the term axon reflex denotes a neurally mediated effector response that is brought about by the passage of nerve impulses along axons without traversing a synapse, except that between the nerve ending and the effector tissue.

What is axon in psychology?

n. the long, thin, hollow, cylindrical extension of a neuron that normally carries a nerve impulse away from the cell body.

What causes axon reflex?

The axon reflex is a physiologic phenomenon caused by the excitation of dermal C-fibers. Nerve impulses invade peripheral branches antidromically causing vascular dilatation, the so-called axon reflex flare reaction.

How is axon reflex done?

Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test This test is performed by applying acetylcholine to the skin through a multicompartmental sweat cell. Through iontophoresis, acetylcholine binds to the muscarinic receptors on the sweat gland, causing an immediate sweat response.

What is Antidromic axon reflex?

An antidromic impulse in an axon refers to conduction opposite of the normal (orthodromic) direction. That is, it refers to conduction along the axon away from the axon terminal(s) and towards the soma.

Is axon reflex Monosynaptic?

Monosynaptic reflexes. This reflex originates from the primary sensory endings in the muscle spindles. The axons of the proprioceptive neurons innervating these endings (afferent fibers, group Ia) make direct projections on alpha-motoneurons that send their axons to the same muscle.

What is an axon in psychology quizlet?

An axon is a long fiber that carries outgoing messages from a cell and axon groups are bundled together from a nerve or tract.

What is the function of the axon?

Each neuron in your brain has one long cable that snakes away from the main part of the cell. This cable, several times thinner than a human hair, is called an axon, and it is where electrical impulses from the neuron travel away to be received by other neurons.

What is orthodromic and antidromic?

In an orthodromic study, the recording electrodes measure the action potential traveling in the physiologic direction. In an antidromic study, the recording electrodes measure the action potential traveling opposite the physiologic direction.

What are the two types of reflexes?

There are two types of reflex arcs: autonomic reflex arc (affecting inner organs) and somatic reflex arc (affecting muscles).

What is dendrites in psychology?

n. a branching, threadlike extension of the cell body that increases the receptive surface of a neuron. The full arrangement of the dendrites of a single neuron is termed a dendritic tree, and the specific pattern and quality of that arrangement is termed dendritic branching. See also arborization. —