What is the meaning of Mentha spicata?

Definitions of Mentha spicata. common garden herb having clusters of small purplish flowers and yielding an oil used as a flavoring.

Why is it called Spearmint?

It gets its name from its characteristic spear-shaped leaves. Spearmint has a pleasantly sweet taste and is frequently used to flavor toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum and candy. One common way to enjoy this herb is brewed into a tea, which can be made from either fresh or dried leaves.

What is the scientific name of spearmint?

Mentha spicataSpearmint / Scientific name

How do you identify Mentha spicata?

Identification: Spearmint (Mentha spicata) is a rhizomatous, upright perennial which is most commonly grown as a culinary herb and/or ground cover. It typically grows 30-100 cm, but may reach heights of 2 foot. The plant has variably hairless to hairy stems and foliage, and a wide-spreading fleshy underground rhizome.

Is Pudina peppermint or spearmint?

Peppermint and mint, both of them are often referred to as pudina in Hindi, which has often made many of us wonder the difference between the two. Summers are here and it seems as if the temperatures are soaring with each passing day.

Is peppermint and Pudina same?

Is mint and spearmint the same?

The term “mint” is an umbrella term for the Mentha plant family that includes spearmint, peppermint, orange mint, apple mint, pineapple mint and more. Mint is a perennial and wide-spreading herb.

What is Indian mint called?

In India it is commonly known as Pudina and is an essential ingredient of cooking particularly in summer. Indian mint has a stronger flavor and more pungent aroma than Western varieties. Mint is sweet and strong with hints of a sharp lemony taste; mint is pleasantly pungent and refreshing at the same time.

Is Mentha spicata edible?

Mentha spicata ‘English Lamb’ is a particularly good cultivar, with sweet-tasting leaves with a strong mint fragrance. Its perfect for using in soups, salads and drinks, and of course traditional mint sauces, used to accompany roast lamb dishes.

Where does Mentha spicata grow?

Ecology: Mentha spicata grows best in rich, moist soils in full sun to part shade but can adapt to a wide range of soils, except dry ones. In aquatic sites, the plant does well in sand, clay and wet soil along edges of creeks, drains and swamps.