What is the point of view in the moose and the sparrow?

The short story “The Moose and the Sparrow” by Hugh Garner is told by a first-person narrator, Mr Anderson, who is a secondary character. As a first-person witness of the events, the narrator is insightful, offering valuable information about the characters’ personalities and motivations.

What is the moral of the moose and the sparrow?

An important theme of the short story “The Moose and the Sparrow” by Hugh Garner is bullying. Cecil is bullied by Moose throughout the story. The situation is made worse by the fact that Moose is Cecil’s boss. This means that Cecil cannot refuse to do the things Moose requests him to do or speak against him.

Why does Moose bully Cecil?

Cecil, a university student, takes a summer job working at a lumber camp run by Moose, a seasoned lumberjack. Moose dislikes Cecil’s incompetence and delicate, bookish demeanor. Moose bullies Cecil to the point of physically endangering him.

What is the main conflict in the moose and the sparrow?

The biggest conflict in this story is external and is one person versus another. The conflict between Moose Maddon and Cecil is what the story is based on and the physical and mental challenges they put each other through. Moose goes to extreme measures to hurt Cecil purposefully burning his hand being the worst.

What is the setting of the moose and the sparrow?

Physical setting The short story “The Moose and the Sparrow” by Hugh Garner takes place in a logging camp in British Columbia. The mention of UBC (University of British Columbia), where Cecil studies (p. 209, l.

Who is Mr Anderson in the moose and the sparrow?

Mr. Anderson is the narrator of “The Moose and the Sparrow.” He reveals little about himself in the narrative, but it is implied that he is older than many of the other lumberjacks at the camp. In one interaction with Cecil, he notes that the young student is the only one in camp who refers to him as Mr.

Why is it called Moose and Sparrow?

A moose, which is a big and proud animal, represent strength and greatness, while a sparrow, which is a tiny and fragile bird, represents both vulnerability and endurance. The short story has three main characters; Cecil, Moose Maddon and Anderson.

Who is the narrator of the moose and the sparrow?

Anderson / “Pop” Mr. Anderson is the narrator of “The Moose and the Sparrow.” He reveals little about himself in the narrative, but it is implied that he is older than many of the other lumberjacks at the camp.