What is the Proskomedia?

“a setting forth”) or Proskomedia (Προσκομιδή Proskomidē ‘an offering, an oblation’), is the name given in the Eastern Orthodox Church to the act of preparing the bread and wine for the Eucharist.

What are Russian churches called?

Denominations. Russian Orthodox Church, alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate, one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches, in full communion with other Eastern Orthodox patriarchates. Main church in Russia headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Rus’

What is Greek Prosphora?

A prosphoron (Greek: πρόσφορον, offering) is a small loaf of leavened bread used in Orthodox Christian and Greek Catholic (Byzantine) liturgies. The plural form is prosphora (πρόσφορα).

Why are there no pews in Orthodox churches?

In some ethnic traditions of Orthodoxy, it was deemed disrespectful to sit during sermons. However, in some churches in the West and particularly in the diaspora churches in the United States, pews and kneelers were introduced, under the influence of other Christian denominations.

What is called as vestment of justice ‘?

Paina (Kappa) – Paina is worn over the other sacred vestments by the priest. This is called “vestment of Justice’ proving the dictum ‘a priest must adorn himself with justice’, the priests duty of a shepherd is also indicated here.

Can non orthodox receive Antidoron?

Antidoron is not considered a sacrament and is explicitly not consecrated during the Eucharist. Therefore, non-Orthodox present at the liturgy, who are not admitted to partake of the consecrated bread and wine, are often encouraged to receive the antidoron as an expression of Christian fellowship and love.

Why are there no chairs in Orthodox Church?

Traditionally, in Orthodox churches there are no seats, benches, pews etc because they discourage active participation of the laity by turning them into passive spectators and severely undermine the physical nature of orthodox worship by making prostrations almost entirely impossible.