What is the purpose of the they say I say book?

The best-selling book on academic writing-in use at more than 1,500 schools. “They Say / I Say” identifies the key rhetorical moves in academic writing, showing students how to frame their arguments in the larger context of what others have said and providing templates to help them make those moves.

Who is gerald Graff and cathy Birkenstein?

For this interview, we are happy to present Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein Graff, professors at the University of Illinois-Chicago. They are the authors of They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing, one of the most widely used college composition texts in the United States.

What main metaphor do authors Gerald Graff and Cathy birkenstein use to explain academic writing in this textbook?

In line with the progressive traditionalist position, Graff and Birkenstein argue in favor of teaching students the rules and skills of “the game.” Games are important metaphors for Graff.

What are Graff and Birkenstein views on the use of templates in academic writing?

Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer provide guidelines on how to correctly utilize their advice to create a masterpiece.

What is the introduction of they say I say?

Introduction: In the introduction of “They Say, I Say,” the author provides effective templates as a way of structuring essays. The authors believe that not only should you (the writer) express your ideas and beliefs but you should say what other says as well.

What is the they say I say method?

The two experts say that good academic writing follows a simple design called “They Say, I Say.” A paper should begin with what others have already said about the subject, or “they say.” Then, student writers present their own opinions, or “I say.” A college paper should show the writer entering a debate among experts.

What is a hidden intellectualism?

Gerald Graff’s essay “Hidden Intellectualism” argues that there is knowledge and intelligence beyond what the traditional education system is practicing. Graff contends that incorporating the interests of students into the lesson will help students think more effectively and logically.

What are the author’s urging you to do when you summarize?

Whenever you summarize, you need to study the author’s argument closely to make sure that you do not confuse it with something you already believe.

How do you write an argument Graff?

How to Write an Argument

  1. Enter a conversation just as you do in real life.
  2. Make a claim, the sooner the better, preferably flagged for the reader by a phrase like “My claim here is that. …
  3. Remind readers of your claim periodically, especially the more you complicate it.

What do authors think is the cause of flat lifeless writing?

Disagreeing with others leads to controversy (which is what we want in this class). Making statements nobody can disagree with leads to “flat, lifeless writing and for writing that fails to answer the ‘so what? ‘ and ‘who cares’ questions” (9).

How do you use Metacommentary?

In addition, I am always encouraging students to explain their evidence further, or to “develop” their ideas further, and metacommentary is one way to do so….You can also use metacommentary to sum up your point at the end of a paragraph:

  1. In sum, then, _______.
  2. My conclusion, then, is that _______.
  3. In short, _______.