What is the side effect of Yasmin pills?

Nausea, vomiting, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods (spotting) or missed/irregular periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use.

Does Yasmin plus cause weight gain?

Does Yasmin cause weight gain? Weight gain has not been shown to be a common side effect of Yasmin. Although weight changes may be a side effect of birth control pills in general, you likely won’t gain weight with Yasmin. Consult a doctor if you have had weight problems in the past.

When will Yasmin clear my skin?

If you take combination birth control pills to improve acne, it may take anywhere from a few weeks to 3 months before you notice a visible improvement.

Can Yasmin cause weight loss?

Does the Yasmin birth control pill help with weight loss? No birth control has been designed for or scientifically proven to cause weight loss. But one of the hormones in Yasmin, drospirenone, can act as a diuretic. That means it may lead to less or no water retention, giving the illusion that you’ve lost weight.

Does Yasmin pill make you hungry?

It’s rare, but some women do gain a little bit of weight when they start taking birth control pills. It’s often a temporary side effect that’s due to fluid retention, not extra fat. A review of 44 studies showed no evidence that birth control pills caused weight gain in most women.

Is Yasmin high estrogen pill?

Side Effects of Yaz and Yasmin The two drugs, Yaz and Yasmin have the same dosage of progestin/progesterone and Yasmin has higher estrogen. Common side effects for birth control pills in general are: Nausea (if you don’t take it on a FULL stomach or right before you go to bed)

Is Yasmin pill good for your skin?

In actual practice, doctors prescribe birth control for the full spectrum of acne, from mild to severe. In addition, doctors may prescribe additional birth control products for acne. For example, the oral contraceptives Yasmin and Alesse have both been clinically shown to improve acne.

Does Yasmin pill increase breast size?

Although birth control pills can affect your breast size, they don’t change breast size permanently.

Does Yasmin improve acne?

Does Yasmin affect hair?

Examples of birth control pills that can stimulate hair growth: Yasmin, Dianette, Valette, Cilest. These pills are sometimes prescribed solely to combat hair loss in women with androgenic thinning. Examples of birth control pills that can cause or worsen hair thinning: Microgynon, Plan B, Loestrin.

What is Yasmin birth control pill?

Yasmin is a birth control pill. It contains two female hormones, a synthetic estrogen called ethinyl estradiol and a progestin called drospirenone. The progestin drospirenone may increase potassium . Therefore, you should not take Yasmin if you have kidney, liver or adrenal disease because this could cause serious heart and health problems.

What does Yasmin do to your body?

Yasmin (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) is a combination birth control pill containing female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Yasmin also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus.

What are the active ingredients in Yasmin?

The active ingredients in Yasmin are drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Like other birth control pills, Yasmin works by preventing ovulation (the release of the egg from the ovary).

How do I take Yasmin?

Yasmin comes in strips of 21 pills, each marked with a day of the week. Take your pill at the same time every day. Start by taking a pill marked with the correct day of the week. Follow the direction of the arrows on the strip. Take one pill each day, until you have finished all 21 pills. Swallow each pill whole, with water if necessary.