What is the VIE program in France?

The VIE programme: export skills for companies French companies participating in this programme can give young people from France and the European Economic Area, aged 18 to 28 years, an assignment abroad for a period of 6 to 12 months which can be renewed once.

Who is eligible for VIE?

Whatever your background, if you are aged between 18 and 28, French or citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA), then V.I.E or V.I.A may be for you !

How do I apply for VIE?

To find a VIE assignment; there are several steps to follow.

  1. Prepare a resume.
  2. Register on the Mon Volontariat International website.
  3. Check the assignment offers published on the website or elsewhere and apply.
  4. If you are selected, the company will submit the assignment request to Business France for approval.

What is VIE in job description?

The VIE is an international program for young professionals between the age of 18 and 28 who are European Union nationals. In addition, the candidate cannot come from the country hosting the mission.

What is VIE visa?

The J-1 / VIE visa allows participants in our program to come to the United States for up to 12 months as Interns or for up to 18 months as Trainees for full-time exchange programs at eligible FACC member companies.

What is CDI contract?

This type of contract may be concluded in writing or may, for full-time permanent contracts, be the result of a verbal agreement between the employer and the employee (unless there are legal or contractual provisions to the contrary).

Can you get an internship at 28?

Whether you’re switching industries, updating your qualifications or returning to the workforce after taking some time off, you may consider applying for an internship. No matter your age, an internship can allow you to develop new skills, which can help you advance your career.

What is a VIE structure?

A variable interest entity (VIE) refers to a legal business structure in which an investor has a controlling interest despite not having a majority of voting rights. This is because the controlling interest is arranged via a contractual relationship rather than direct ownership.

What is CDD and CDI in France?

There are two principle types of contracts in France that are the same for both French nationals and foreigners. With a fixed-term contact (CDD), an employee may not resign prior to the end of the contract. A permanent contract (CDI) allows for a resignation after notice is given one to three months in advance.

How long are CDD in France?

18 months
CDD France In principal the limit for a CDD is 18 months, but the contract can be renewed, allowing for a maximum term of 36 months. There are various versions of the CDD that may be applied, for instance to those over 57 years old.

Is 30 too old to intern?

Although you’re never too old for an internship, you’ll have to overcome the stigma of hiring managers to get one. Recruiters are often looking for fresh young talent that they can mold into tomorrow’s leaders—while paying them little to nothing.

Is 27 too old to intern?

And sure, while many internships are reserved for college students and new grads, they can actually help you get your foot in the door of a new industry, spark a decision about the career path you should pursue, or, if nothing else, provide a valuable learning experience—at any age.