What is Theil inequality coefficient?

Thiel’s inequality coefficient, also known as Thiel’s U, provides a measure of how well a time series of estimated values compares to a corresponding time series of observed values. The statistic measures the degree to which one time series ({Xi}, i = 1,2,3.n) differs from another ({Yi}, i = 1, 2, 3.n).

How is Palma ratio calculated?

The Palma ratio is calculated by dividing the richest 10% of the population’s share of gross national income (GNI) by the poorest 40%’s share.

What is a 90 10 ratio?

Rate 90/10. Short definition. The decile dispersion ratio presents the ratio of the average income of the richest 10 percent by that of the poorest 10 percent. This ratio expresses the income of the top quantile as multiples of that of the poorest quantile.

Is Gini a coefficient?

The Gini coefficient is one of the most frequently used measures of economic inequality. The coefficient can take any values between 0 to 1 (or 0% to 100%). A coefficient of zero indicates a perfectly equal distribution of income or wealth.

How do you calculate rich and poor ratio?

A simple but effective way to examine income inequality is to calculate decile ratios. The calculation is done by taking, for example, the income earned by the top 10% of households and dividing that by the income earned by the poorest 10% of households.

What is the Palma index?

The Palma ratio is the share of all income received by the 10% people with highest disposable income divided by the share of all income received by the 40% people with the lowest disposable income. More.

What is the Palma ratio economics?

The Palma Ratio measures ratio of the richest 10% of the population’s share of national income divided by the poorest 40%’s share.

What is P90 P10 ratio?

The P90/P10 ratio is the ratio of the upper bound value of the ninth decile (i.e. the 10% of people with highest income) to that of the first. The P50/P10 ratio is the ratio of median income to the upper bound value of the first decile.