What is trabecular bone pattern?

Trabecula is a supportive and connective tissue element which form in cancellous bone. Trabeculae develop in a normal bone and also in a healing bone. The trabecular pattern of growth follows the course of stress lines along the bone and maximum trabeculae develop along the lines of maximum stress.

Which bones are trabecular?

Trabecular bone, also called cancellous bone, is porous bone composed of trabeculated bone tissue. It can be found at the ends of long bones like the femur, where the bone is actually not solid but is full of holes connected by thin rods and plates of bone tissue.

What is trabecular BMD?

The trabecular bone score is a measure of bone texture correlated with bone microarchitecture and a marker for the risk of osteoporosis. Introduced in 2008, its main projected use is alongside measures of bone density in better predicting fracture risk in people with metabolic bone problems.

How do you identify a trabecular bone?

Trabeculae are visible in the medullary cavities of bone as dense struts of bone that parallel the lines of force that the particular bone is subject to.

What does trabecular mean in medical terms?

Definition of trabecula 1 : a small bar, rod, bundle of fibers, or septal membrane in the framework of a body organ or part.

Where are the trabeculae located?

Trabeculae are found within some organs like the spleen and heart but also within some bones of the skeletal system. The outer portion of bone is called cortical bone, while the inner portion is called spongy bone or cancellous bone.

Where are trabeculae formed?

Trabeculae are the thin columns and plates of bone that create a spongy structure in a cancellous bone, which is located at the ends of long bones and in the pelvis, ribs, skull, and vertebrae.

What does trabecular bone score measure?

Trabecular bone score (TBS) uses standard lumbar spine DXA imaging to assess bone texture inhomogeneity (that is, the number of filled versus unfilled voxels) in order to gauge bone quality and fracture risk.

How do you interpret a trabecular bone score?

A score above−1 is considered normal in BMD T-scores obtained at the femur and lumbar spine, a score between−1 and−2.5 is classified as osteopenia (low bone mass), and a score below−2.5 is classified as OP.

What are the properties of trabecular bone?

Conclusion: This study indicates that the trabecular bone in the human mandible possesses significantly higher density, elastic modulus, and ultimate compressive strength in the anterior region than in either the middle or distal regions. The absence of cortical plates decreases the bone elastic modulus.