What jobs can I do with epilepsy UK?

Some employers can be very accommodating to those with epilepsy, making the range of jobs available wider….Here are a few suggestions of a few roles that could be suited to those with epilepsy or who are prone to frequent epilepsy episodes.

  • Service Animal Trainer.
  • Data Entry.
  • Librarian.
  • Mental Health Counselor.
  • Artist.

Can you be sacked for having epilepsy UK?

An example could be that your epilepsy is well controlled, or you only ever have sleep seizures. If you don’t tell your employer about your epilepsy and it does affect your ability to do your job safely, your employer may be able to dismiss you.

What jobs can I get if I have epilepsy?

People with epilepsy are successfully employed in a variety of jobs that might be considered high-risk: police officer, firefighter, welder, butcher, construction worker, etc.

Can I lose my job because of epilepsy?

We know that some people with epilepsy will not be able to work due to the severity of their condition. However, for many others there are few jobs that their epilepsy would prevent them from doing. However, people with epilepsy can struggle to find employment more than many other disabled people.

Can you join the RAF with epilepsy?

Epilepsy, single seizures and febrile convulsions: You would NOT be able to join the Armed Forces if: You have been diagnosed with epilepsy and you have had more than one seizure since the age of 6 years or. You have had a single seizure in the last 5 years.

Is epilepsy a disability UK?

Is epilepsy classed as a disability? You are likely to be considered disabled under the Equality Act if: Your epilepsy has a substantial and long-term negative effect on your ability to do day-to-day activities or. It’s not having a substantial effect now, but it would do if you were not having treatment or.

Can you work for NHS with epilepsy?

An employer can legally refuse to give you a job if your epilepsy poses a health and safety risk to you or somebody else. 3 For example, if you are still having seizures, they could refuse to give you a job where climbing ladders is a substantial part of the job.

Is epilepsy classed as a disability UK?

Do you have to tell an employer that you have epilepsy?

No. The ADA does not require applicants to voluntarily disclose that they have epilepsy or another disability unless they will need a reasonable accommodation for the application process (for example, permission to bring a service animal to an interview).

Should I tell my boss I have seizures?

Be honest, and straightforward: According to the Epilepsy Foundation, you should mention to them if you’ve ever had a seizure, the types of seizures you usually experience, and possibly your seizure triggers.

Can you be a police officer with epilepsy UK?

Can I join the police? As long as your condition is stable, well-controlled and you have been seizure-free for at least 12 months, having epilepsy will not be a factor. However, your condition may require certain restrictions (which technically may also be considered as adjustments under the Equality Act).

Can I be a nurse if I have epilepsy UK?

Jobs, epilepsy and the law The Equality Act covers you when you apply for a job, through the interview to getting the job and continues to cover you once you are working. The Equality Act means that most employers can’t refuse you a job just because you have epilepsy.