What kind of art is Akhenaten and Nefertiti?

The Body Art: Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) and Nefertiti 3 7/8 in. (9.8 cm.) This statuette depicting the pharaoh Amenhotep IV (later called Akhenaten) and his queen, Nefertiti, exemplifies the unique developments that took place in Egyptian art of the Amarna Period.

What impact did Akhenaten have on art in Ancient Egypt?

In just under two decades on the throne, Akhenaten imposed new aspects of Egyptian religion, overhauled its royal artistic style, moved Egypt’s capital to a previously unoccupied site, implemented a new form of architecture and attempted to obliterate the names and images of some of Egypt’s traditional gods.

Why did Akhenaten change Egyptian art?

To pay homage to his chosen god, Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten. Throughout his rule, Akenaten tried to change many aspects of Egyptian culture to celebrate or praise his god. He moved the royal capital to the city now known as Amarna and erected a number of palaces and temples there.

What kind of art did Akhenaten promote?

Amarna style, revolutionary style of Egyptian art created by Amenhotep IV, who took the name Akhenaton during his reign (1353–36 bce) in the 18th dynasty.

What are two common features of Egyptian art as discussed in the beginning of this lesson?

What are two common features of Egyptian art as discussed in the beginning of this Lesson? Contribution to architecture and optimism in art.

How are people represented in Egyptian art?

Each object or element in a scene was rendered from its most recognizable angle and these were then grouped together to create the whole. This is why images of people show their face, waist, and limbs in profile, but eye and shoulders frontally.

How was sculpture from the reign of Akhenaten in Egypt different from previous and subsequent sculpture?

How was sculpture from the reign of Akhenaten in Egypt different from previous and subsequent sculpture? It was more naturalistic and informal. The She-Wolf, later adopted by Romans as a symbol of their civilization, was, until recently, thought to have been made by which culture?

What is significant about the Amarna period in Egyptian art?

Amarna art is the most distinctive in all of Egypt’s history and its difference in style is often interpreted as realism. Unlike the images from other dynasties of Egyptian history, works from the Amarna Period depict the royal family with elongated necks and arms and spindly legs.

What was the main purpose of Egyptian paintings?

Much of the artwork created by the Ancient Egyptians had to do with their religion. They would fill the tombs of the Pharaohs with paintings and sculptures. Much of this artwork was there to help the Pharaohs in the afterlife. Temples were another popular place for art.

What was the purpose of Egyptian sculpture?

In considering the clear sculptural qualities of Late period work one should never overlook the primary purpose of most Egyptian sculpture: to represent the individual in death before Osiris, or in life and death before the deities of the great temples.