What makes you a metalhead?

A metalhead is a fan or performer of metal music and associates themselves with the metal culture. Metal is a genre of rock n’ roll that became popularized in the 1970s and has evolved into many sub-genres. Metalhead posers come in an array of types and styles. If you aren’t careful, you might be or become one.

What is a metalhead personality?

Metal fans are stable and confident, which is sexy. A 2013 study from the University of Westminster found similarly that metalheads tend to be open-minded and have a high need for uniqueness.

How can I look more like a metalhead?

A typical metalhead outfit involves a black band T-shirt, tight black pants, and sneakers. Then you can add a variety of accessories like denim jackets, jewelry, hats, and belts. Metal fashion can be as diverse as the people listening to the music, but these are common starting points for a metalhead outfit.

Why are metalheads so happy?

“People feel that their anger is matched to the music when listening to metal, and therefore find it easier to process it. Metal formulates a safe, and healthy space for this to happen. In some cases, metal also combats loneliness and makes us feel less alone in these emotions, allowing the listener to accept them.”

Why do metalheads wear camo pants?

Why do metalheads wear camo? The short answer, of course, is to connote aggression.

Are metalheads happier?

In 2019, Ph. D. psychologist Nick Perham theorized that metalheads are happier and more well-adjusted compared to other non-metal fans.

Does heavy metal help depression?

A study has shown listening to heavy metal or extreme kinds of music helps purge emotions like anger and depression.

How do I become a metalhead?

Becoming a metalhead is primarily about learning to appreciate the intensity and technical complexity of the style, but to really show your support, you can adopt the metal style of dress and get involved in the culture that has sprung up around the music. Learn about the different kinds of metal.

What does it mean to be a metalhead?

Metalheads often sport long, wild hair and grow large beards, or cover themselves in tattoos and piercings. These features can be off-putting to most people, but to fans of metal music they symbolize a nonconformist philosophy and the freedom to live the way one chooses.

How do you look like a metalhead?

To look like a metalhead, wear mostly black, combat-style clothing and dark makeup. Get involved in the metal community and lifestyle by going to concerts and befriending other metal fans. To find out how you can support your favorite bands and get online metal forum recommendations, read on!

Do you have to wear black to be considered a metalhead?

Metal heads come in all different shapes and sizes you don’t have to wear black to be a metal head you just have to love metal and listen to it often. Thanks! Metal shows can get physically aggressive, and occasionally even violent.