What Mos is 3432?

3432 MOS. Finance technicians perform the duties associated with the maintenance, review, payments processing of master pay accounts, and the fiscal accounting supporting the transactions.

What is a FMOS USMC?

Free (FMOS) – Non-PMOS that can be filled by any Marine regardless of Primary MOS. A Free MOS requires skill sets unrelated to primary skills.

How long is financial management school in the USMC?

The Advanced Financial Management Officers Course (AFMOC) is a two-week course designed to provide instruction in advanced finance and resource management with an emphasis on the operating forces.

Do the Marines have accountants?

In the Marine Corps, financial management resource analysts (FMRA) act like bookkeepers and accountants on many levels of the Corps missions. This skill carries the Military Occupation Specialities (MOS) of 3451.

What MOS is 0326?

Reconnaissance Marine Parachute and Combat Diver
MOS 0326 identifies the Reconnaissance Marine Parachute and Combat Diver Qualified in the infantry field, the primary fighting force within the Marine Corps.

What is a 3112 MOS?

3112 Marines perform additional functions both within the MAGTF and at bases and stations such as, blocking and bracing of dry cargo containers, rail and truck shipments, and certifying hazardous materials shipments for transportation by air, land and sea.

What is a 8014 MOS?

Note 1: MOS 8014 = Any enlisted Marine MOS can fill the billet unless notes say otherwise. MOS 8006 & 8007 = Any unrestricted Commissioned officer MOS can fill the billet unless notes say otherwise.

What is a 2600 MOS USMC?

2600 MOS. Job Detail. Conduct collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of collected data and intelligence.

What is a MOS 5811?

MOS 5811 is the designation for Marines who are military police officers.

How long is MCT USMC?

Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT) is a 29-day course. The mission is to train and conduct standards-based combat skills training of all non-infantry Marines in order to ensure that every Marine is a fighting Marine, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).

What are the best MOS in the Marines?

10 Best Marine Jobs That Transfer To Civilian Careers

  • Cryptologic Digital Network Tech (MOS 2611)
  • Avionics Maintenance Chief (MOS 6391)
  • Marine Cybersecurity Technician (MOS 0688)
  • Marine Counter Intelligence / Human Intelligence (MOS 0211)
  • Marine Logistics / Mobility Chief (MOS 0491)

Can a CPA join the military?

Yes! All branches of the US military employ accountants to help them manage their finances. The US military spends billions of dollars a year, and every financial transaction is subject to regulatory requirements and government oversight.

What is the MOS 0321?

0321 USMC is a military occupational specialty code (MOS) in the United States Marine Corps. Specifically, it represents Marines in the Marine reconnaissance (recon) specialty.

What MOS is 8014 in the USMC?

enlisted Marine MOS
Note 1: MOS 8014 = Any enlisted Marine MOS can fill the billet unless notes say otherwise. MOS 8006 & 8007 = Any unrestricted Commissioned officer MOS can fill the billet unless notes say otherwise.

What is 0321 in the USMC?

What is an 0351?

Categorized as a military occupational specialty (MOS) 0351, Infantry Assault Marines (formerly Infantry Assaultmen) are, as the name implies, found in the assault section of Marine weapons platoons of infantry rifle companies.

What MOS is 8011 USMC?

Basic Marine with Enlistment Guarantee
MOS 8011 — Basic Marine with Enlistment Guarantee Job Description: A Marine whose military qualifications and experience are not developed to be sufficient or adequate for qualification in other MOSs.

What MOS is 5831?

Marine Corps Correctional Specialist
An Marine Corps Correctional Specialist (MOS 5831) is needed by the military to guard and supervise confined personnel. Confined personnel can include enemy prisoners, absentees, and deserters. The objective is to treat military prisoners in a safe, humane, and efficient manner.

Is MCT harder than boot camp?

Some Marines found MCT to be a challenge, while others thought it was much easier than boot camp. After this training, Marines move on to training specific to their MOS before transferring to their Permanent Duty Stations.

Do Marines get phones at MCT?

MCT Mail. Since the majority of training is conducted in the field during the 29 days of MCT, Marines will not always have access to their phones. Family and friends are still encouraged to send Letters as a form of communication during this training.