What number is sept in French?

Numbers in French: 1-20

Number In French Pronunciation
6 six sees
7 sept set
8 huit wheet
9 neuf nuhf

Why do the French say Quatre-Vingt-Dix?

“four-twenties”; quatre-vingt-dix “90” lit. “four-twenty-ten”) is due to North Germanic influence, first appearing in Normandy, in northern France. From there, it spread south after the formation of the French Republic, replacing the typical Romance forms still used today in Belgian and Swiss French.

What number is Soixante-Dix Sept in French?

French Numbers: 70-79

70 soixante-dix
74 soixante-quatorze
75 soixante-quinze
76 soixante-seize
77 soixante-dix-sept

What is cinquante Dix?

English. cinquante-dix-coque. fifty-ten-hull. cinquante-dix-coque.

What number is Dix Sept in French?

seventeen [number] the number or figure 17.

What number is quatre in French?

French Numbers 1-100 Posted by Transparent Language on Sep 15, 2009 in Vocabulary

0 zéro [zay-ro]
4 quatre [katr]
5 cinq [sank]
6 six [sees]
7 sept [set]

Is it deux cent or deux cents?


100 cent
102 cent-deux
103 cent-trois
200 deux-cents

What does Deux mean in French?

number. two. à deux heures at two o’clock. le deux février the second of February.

What is deux in French number?

French numbers 1-10 0 – Zéro. 1 – Un. 2 – Deux.

How do you say 9 45 in French?

For example, 9:45 would be “dix heures moins le quart” or “neuf heures quarante-cinq.” As with “quart” and “demie,” the official grammar rule is that you don’t use this phrase after noon with the 24-hour clock.

What is deux cent?

French cardinal numbers < 199. 200. 201 > Cardinal : deux-cents.

What do we say deux in English?

Compound Numbers

English French Approx. Pronunciation
two deux (duh)
three trois (trwah)
four quatre (katr)
five cinq (sank)