What percentage of audiences are lookalike?

1% to 10%
Depending on how closely you want to match your base audience, you can set up a lookalike audience size that’s anywhere from 1% to 10%, where the 1% includes only those people who most closely match your base audience. In the U.S., that 1% audience is about 2 million people.

How many lookalike audiences are there?

500 lookalike audiences
You can create up to 500 lookalike audiences from a single source audience. Your source audience must contain at least 100 people from a single country to use it as the basis for a lookalike audience. Lookalike audiences use your ad set locations and only include people from those locations.

Are lookalike audiences effective?

This is determined by factors such as interests, interactions (think: “likes,” comments, shares) and previous ad clicks. While Lookalike Audiences are ideal for marketers that have run ads successfully in the past, they’re fair game for first-timers as well.

What is a good lookalike audience size?

To create a Facebook lookalike audience, your source audience needs to include at least 100 people from a single country. Additionally, it’s recommended that your source audience contain 1,000 to 50,000 people.

What percentage of audience is lookalike on Facebook?

Facebook Lookalike Audiences are an excellent way to reach people who are similar to your existing customers and followers. When creating a Facebook Lookalike Audience, you can choose between a range of 1%-10% of the total population in your chosen target country, with 1% being those who most closely match your source.

Are lookalike audiences cheaper?

Ads served to lookalike audiences ended up being almost three dollars cheaper than ads served to our interest-based audiences. What’s more, app installs that we acquired through lookalike ads made up for 73% of the total app installs we acquired as part of the campaign.

What is a Facebook 1% lookalike audience?

Facebook Lookalike Audiences are an excellent way to reach people who are similar to your existing customers and followers. When creating a Facebook Lookalike Audience, you can choose between a range of 1%-10% of the total population in your chosen target country, with 1% being those who most closely match your source.

How many purchases does it take to create a lookalike audience?

If you’re just starting out with a new account there’s a high chance that you don’t have the 100 purchases necessary to create a lookalike, and you certainly won’t have the minimum of 1,000 that is recommended. So, start lower down the funnel and work your way up to better source audiences as you scale.

How long does it take to create a lookalike audience?

6-24 hours
Select Create Audience Once you’re finished, it may take 6-24 hours for your Lookalike Audience to be created. Going forward, your audience will refresh every 3-7 days (as long as you’re still actively targeting ads to it). However, you don’t need to wait for your Lookalike Audience to update to use it.

What is a 10% lookalike audience?

The 10% lookalike audience was over 6 million people. The 1% lookalike targeted around 2 million people. Let us know if you have any further questions!

Are Lookalike Audiences cheaper?