What postcode is Bristol?


Postcode district Post town Local authority area(s)
BS7 BRISTOL Bristol, South Gloucestershire
BS8 BRISTOL Bristol, North Somerset

What is the county code for Bristol?

Situated on the River Avon, it is bordered by the ceremonial counties of Gloucestershire to the north and Somerset to the south….

Postcode BS
Area codes 0117, 01275
ISO 3166 code GB-BST
GVA 2017

What is the postcode for central Bristol?

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Postcode Latitude Easting
BS1 1BT 51.453546 358709
BS1 1BU 51.453654 358827
BS1 1BZ 51.454472 358800
BS1 1DA 51.454791 358754

Is Bristol a post town?

Bristol is the main postal town/district for this region, with all postcodes starting with the following outward codes.

How many districts are there in Bristol?

The city is split into 34 wards for local government. Like the parliamentary constituencies, their borders are rigidly defined.

When did postcodes start in Bristol?

Manchester followed with eight districts in 1867/68, and by the early 1930s, Dublin, Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Newcastle and Brighton had joined the scheme.

Is Bristol its own county?

Bristol is its own county, first and foremost Yes, that’s right. Simply put, since 1373 Bristol has always been a county in its own right, with its formal and legally recognised title being the “City and County of Bristol”.

What is the Centre of Bristol?

The Centre is a public open space in the central area of Bristol, England, created by covering over the River Frome.

Is post town same as postcode?

Post towns in general originated as the location of delivery offices. As of 2004, their main function is to distinguish between localities or street names in addresses not including a postcode.

What are the main areas in Bristol?

Areas Of Bristol

  • Harbourside.
  • Clifton.
  • Head north of the centre to find hip nightlife, independent traders and a bohemian vibe on Gloucester Road and Stokes Croft.
  • Bristol City Centre.
  • On Bristol’s doorstep is Coastal North Somerset, including the towns of Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead.

What areas are there in Bristol?

These are:

  • Bristol West.
  • Bristol East.
  • Bristol South.
  • Bristol North West.