What should a seizure action plan include?

A Seizure Action Plan [PDF – 41 KB] contains the essential information school staff may need to know in order to help a student who has seizures. It includes information on first aid, parent and health care provider contacts, and medications specifically for that child.

What documents do you need after a seizure?

Documentation of initial medical history and physical should include the date of seizure onset, type and frequency of seizures, description of typical seizures, previous antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) used, and the date of the last seizure.

Is a seizure action plan part of an IEP?

Make sure your students with epilepsy have a seizure action plan as part of their IEP or 504 education plan. Be familiar with the plan and be prepared to respond in the event of an emergency. Most seizures are not life-threatening.

What is a seizure protocol?

Put something soft and flat, like a folded jacket, under his or her head. Remove eyeglasses. Loosen ties or anything around the neck that may make it hard to breathe. Time the seizure. Call 911 if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes.

How can I seizure proof my house?

Creating a Safe Home Environment for Seizures

  1. Carpet the floors with heavy pile and thick underpadding.
  2. If tables and other furniture have sharp corners, pad them.
  3. Close fireplace screens when the fire is burning.
  4. Avoid using space heaters that can tip over.

How do you keep a seizure diary?

Keeping a seizure diary

  1. Your seizures and their types.
  2. How long they last.
  3. When you change anything about your epilepsy medicine.
  4. Possible side-effects of your epilepsy medicines.
  5. What other possible seizure triggers there might have been for you.
  6. Your monthly periods, if you think they may affect when your seizures happen.

What do nurses do when a patient has a seizure?

After the seizure, assess him for respirations and a pulse. If they’re present and he’s unresponsive, turn him onto his side to help keep his airway patent. If necessary, insert an oral airway and use suction to remove secretions. Take his vital signs.

Can kids with seizures go to school?

Most children with epilepsy attend school and can participate in all activities. Some may need to take medicine at school, require help with certain subjects, or be given extra time on tests. They may have seizures at school sometimes.

Is a child with epilepsy considered special needs?

The nation’s special education law specifically mentions epilepsy in its definition of “Other Health Impairment,” a category under which children may be found eligible for special education and related services.

What is the priority action for a client experiencing a seizure?

The priorities when caring for a patient who is seizing are to maintain a patent airway, protect the patient from injury, provide care during and following the seizure and documenting the event in the health record.